Top Tips for Dealing with Grief
Both ADHD and non-ADHD partners can experience deep feelings of grief over the fact that their partnership is not what they expected. Here's how to deal with it.
Both ADHD and non-ADHD partners can experience deep feelings of grief over the fact that their partnership is not what they expected. Here's how to deal with it.
Living with ADHD can be full of surprises and humor. This story of one adventure with ADHD, and written by a reader from Michigan, will make you smile.
Your partner may not seem curious about you, but that doesn't mean you can't still connect.
Many are looking for non-medicinal ways to manage ADHD, so I get questions about CBD oil all the time. While there are research-proven treatments for ADHD that don't involved medications, CBD oil isn't one of them. ADDitude Magazine just updated a reall
When it comes to living in the present moment, people with ADHD are to be envied. This is how most of them live – often to the exclusion of planning for the future or (sometimes) remembering well the past.
A writer for ADDitude, Emily Chen, has described living in the moment (with ADHD) and her heart, mind, and body as cats. She explains how sometimes they’re all super excited, playfully pouncing here and there in pursuit of prey. During those times, she feels invincible — like anything is possible.
It's not just relationships with ADHD - these hilarious tweets show the side of marriage that you just have to laugh at...
Partners of adults with ADHD sometimes report they are disappointed that their ADHD partner isn't more empathetic. Lack of empathy can leave them feeling unloved or alone. What to do?