Work at Home Ideas for Adults with ADHD
Sometimes you don't need to write something from scratch. ADDitude Magazine put together a nice overview of ideas for adults with ADHD who are looking to be productive working from home. You can find it here.
Sometimes you don't need to write something from scratch. ADDitude Magazine put together a nice overview of ideas for adults with ADHD who are looking to be productive working from home. You can find it here.
You don't have to have stuff everywhere just because one or more of you has ADHD!
Are you an ADHD adult feeling overwhelmed by the amount of stuff you have to do? Too many unfinished tasks floating around? Trouble focusing? Creating a Personal Kanban can help.
About 50 percent of adults with ADHD suffer from an anxiety disorder. Here's the story of how Katie came to grips with hers.
My daughter introduced me to the Bullet Journal – her method for really staying organized. It works…knock me over with a feather!
Here is a link to a good article that was recently released about money management tips when you have ADHD. It provides some solid statistics about the challenges plus a solid list of good ideas to improve things. Go to this link... I would be delighted if people wanted to start a thread about money management with this post.
Do the two of you have the experience of the ADHD spouse talking about all the great things he/she would like to do, but then not turning those things into reality? You may well. Here is one specific idea to help the ADHD spouse turn the ideas into reality.
Do you have trouble keeping your workspace organized? Are there papers and objects everywhere? Piles upon piles? If so, here are five specific, ADHD-friendly steps that will clean up your office fast, then make it easier to keep it that way:
Does it make sense for you to use a coach to get more organized? If so, how do you find the right coach? Certified Organizer Coach®, Sue West, has written a guest blog post to help you understand the different types of organization coaches, and where you might go to find one who fits your needs.
People with ADD have a higher rate of debt, more impulsive spending, and more arguments with their partner/spouse over money issues. However, there is hope (and help available).