The Couple's Guide to Thriving with ADHD includes an overview of common intimacy and sexual issues faced by couples impacted by ADHD.
Sex Addictions, Pornography, Affairs
A short article on how ADHD meds might impact sex for some, in Women's Health.
A terrific book for spouses of sex addicts: Your Sexually Addicted Spouse: How Partners Can Cope and Heal. This book is also relevant for those recovering from a partner's affair.
My post on why pornography can hurt a relationship has spurred a lot of discussion...
U.S. News and World Report has an online overview of infidelity that is one of the better I've seen.
This site says it has fact-checked its statistics about infidelity and provides higher numbers than the US News article. As you can imagine, infidelity and sex-life statistics vary widely and are really hard to pin down...
Blog posts:
- Are You Having an Emotional Affair? Is Your Partner Having an Emotional Affair?
- 27 Signs Your Partner Might be Having an Affair...and 7 Smoking Guns
Improving Your Sex Life
By far one of the best books on sex and desire - Come as You Are is for women. Read it!!
Even if you are having sex, if one of you consistently feels you are not sexually active enough as a couple, The Sex-Starved Marriage provides specific ideas.
Babeland.com is an approachable, women-friendly site for products to enhance your sex life, plus information.
We-Vibe makes and excellent vibrator that it is for both a man and a woman at the same time.
The Sinclair Institute has a sexual education blog that provides specific information, as well as a huge supply of videos and products on/for sex.
Blog post: