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Anger management course/book recommendations

My husband really struggles with anger management and the volatility of things is affecting our marriage. Does anyone have any recommendations of online anger management courses or books etc particularly that would be suit someone with adhd. There are so many to choose from and it's a hard thing for him to do so want it to be worthwhile! And if anyone has any positive stories to share around this improving would love to hear, to give me some hope ...

Progress but hope-less with young family

Hi - i decided to sign up here because it's Christmas and I'm at a loss. We have two young children (about to be 3 and 5) and it seems like all the strategies, and truth be told all of my life, now revolves around my partner (ADHD) and his needs. I just can't see how this works with children -- years before the diagnosis I told him that I was getting emotionally drained and wouldn't be able to keep going. And just like the book describes, I couldn't. I got really sick, I got depressed, I was angry and all the while trying to be the consistent (in all ways) parent to our children.

Being Objective and Identifying the Battle

"People who are always disapproving" are individuals who tend to express negative opinions or criticism about others' actions, choices, or behaviors frequently, often seeming to find fault with almost anything, creating an overall critical and judgmental attitude. 

Key characteristics of someone who is always disapproving:

Constant criticism:

They readily point out flaws or perceived mistakes in others, even in minor situations. 

Skeptical outlook:

They often question the motives and intentions behind others' actions, assuming the worst. 

Successful Interaction

This is a well known situation that we just navigated together without any conflict. I won't say there's an exact resolution on my end, but a compromise was made.

If memory serves me ( I'm not 100% sure )...but in one of his books, Dr Hallowell talked about this very relationship issue, about himself, so I know I'm not alone. This has to do with waiting to do things ( until later ) or doing them right away ( first thing ) and the order in which people tend to do things. In our case, I'm the wait until later guy, and my SO is the do it right now first before you do anything else.

He says he hasn’t come up with anything yet

A first indication that my ex husband is sorry everything has ended badly with me and takes some responsibility for it. He allegedly has said he "hasn't found a way to change things for the better, yet".

To me, this is incredible. Imagine having had passing thoughts for A YEAR that you want to tidy up the trainwreck you left behind when you moved out after a two decade marriage and several children, but not lift a finger to actually do anything. Yet.
