Forum topic: Making more connections

I'm narrowing down things that are eating at me and they all seem to be related to the idea of an asymmetrical relationship. It occurred to me, that satiation is a key component in this equation since its the opposite of deprivation.

For me, this helps me see things more clearly as far as needs go and where or who I get them from. I also realized that in some areas of my relationship with my SO.....I've never been truly satiated in some areas specifically sex. Lol Not having any,  makes that an easy one to spot as an asymmetric component ( to the whole )  when it comes to this relationship between deprivation and satiation if you drew that on a graph! 

Anyway, making this connection just helped me make other areas easier to spot and apply that accordingly. Without question, these are the most troubling areas that carry the most weight and flavor my feelings and emotions one way or the other.