Forum topic: Support group for parents?

This subject is not really that relevant to this site, but I'm kind of desperate! While I don't always post here, I have found this site to be a life-saver, a sanity-maintainer, a reality-checker and an amazing source for new ideas and fresh perspectives on being married to an ADHD'er.

As many of you will know, having a spouse with the condition often means having a child / children with it too. Our teenager has pretty severe hyperactive / impulsive ADHD, which we are really struggling to manage. Meds and therapy are not really adhered to despite "our" very best efforts (little effort made on behalf of said teen!), and the symptoms are so mind-boggling sometimes, that we are at a total loss and at our wit's end, and feel like we have tried everything but nothing succeeds for more than a week or two at a time. 

My question is: can anyone recommend a quality support site like this one, but for parents of ADHD'ers? 


The world of responsibility & accountability will demand your children (like us all) grow and adhere to appropriate behaviors in all aspects of life...Know matter what knowledge we feel we have about a mind condition, we should teach, love and discipline all children the same...(Recognizing of course the realities of their abilities)....I hope you find an informative group who are learning through living it....

Thank you c ur self, I totally agree, and have to always keep in mind that while our teen is 17,  looks 20, has the life experience of someone at least that age (we've travelled / moved internationally and have been exposed to much), has the executive functioning of say a 13 year old, lives in a society where kids grow up really quickly and can legally do a lot more than other countries, and is exposed to a universe of sometimes questionable ideas on social media - we can only but expect some very challenging situations. Live, love, learn, discipline, teach - you said it!

So not sure what country you are in (as I am not in America) but I wanted to share what has helped me as we have started thid journey: 

Keeping in mind we don't have a teenager. 

There is a main government ADHD website here that does online parent support groups. I find them so helpful. 

I've also joined some communities (online) for depression and loving and living with someone with depression. They have covered when ur kids have depression too and adhd. They've been a godsend. 

I have found some podcasts like adhd chatter also really useful to listen together like in the car or something. My son complains at first but I noticed that he quiets down and likes the discussion and usually takes away something good. 

Like I said I am not where u are but I hope that helps a bit.