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The ADHD-impacted marriage
Updated: 8 hours 8 min ago

He Never Plans a Date!

Mon, 06/16/2014 - 15:47
Should women take over all responsibility for planning dates when a partner's ADHD gets in the way?

The Tension Hidden in ADHD-Impacted Relationships

Thu, 05/08/2014 - 16:16
The symptoms of ADHD result in behaviors that may strike at the heart of healthy relationships. Couples who understand the tension between symptoms and expectations will be more equipped to unravel the problems between them.

The 5 Ways Not to Talk to Your Partner

Fri, 04/04/2014 - 06:18
Struggling partners can get so caught up on the importance of communicating their most heartfelt feelings that they forget that good communication is both about what you say and how (and when) you say it.

A First Step to Becoming Partners Again

Wed, 02/26/2014 - 13:38
As adults with ADHD struggle to stay organized and complete tasks, their non-ADHD partners tend to overcompensate and take on too much. This leads to an unhealthy imbalance of power between partners and typically destroys intimacy. Fixing the issue takes time, but a first step can be to better coordinate chores. Here's how to do it when ADHD is present.

ADHD Relationships: When Helping Out Hurts Your Partnership

Thu, 01/16/2014 - 17:19
Do you worry that your ADHD partner seems more like another child than a partner? Or do you feel as if your partner is constantly nagging or reminding you to get things done? You may be suffering from a common power imbalance in ADHD-impacted relationships—'parent/child dynamics.'

ADHD Adults: "What It Feels Like to Have ADHD"

Thu, 11/21/2013 - 09:52
Those without it tend to underestimate the overwhelming nature of the experience of having ADHD. These first person accounts provide eye-opening insight.

50 Ways not to Leave Your ADHD Lover

Wed, 10/09/2013 - 12:52
Paul Simon may sing about ways to leave your lover, but what about ways to stay with him or her? Here are 50 immediately usable tactics that help couples impacted by ADHD strengthen their relationship.

ADHD Doesn't Cause Divorce, Denial Does

Wed, 09/18/2013 - 06:51
It's easy to blame adult ADHD for the higher rates of dysfunction and divorce couples with one or more ADHD partners experience. But ADHD is very treatable. Lack of diagnosis and denial are the real culprits.

Simple Advice That Will Change Your Relationship Forever

Mon, 07/29/2013 - 16:40
Being 'someone you like' comes with some very real advantages, particularly if you are trying to repair a struggling relationship.

Relationship Basics 101

Tue, 04/23/2013 - 15:42
Flipping off your spouse or screaming and yelling are not what loving relationships are supposed to be about. These relationship basics remind couples where they need to focus to get back on track.

What They Love About Their ADHD Spouses

Wed, 03/27/2013 - 12:04
Spouses tell what they love about their ADHD partners, highlighting some important positive ADHD traits. Remembering the good while highlighting the effectiveness of ADHD treatment can give struggling couples something to strive for.

When Work Interferes with Love

Wed, 01/30/2013 - 07:16
It can be lonely when your partner is engulfed in work and has little time for you. These strategies can help you remain happy, healthy and (with a bit of effort from your partner) connected.

ADHD Man's Dilemma: Is Something Wrong with My Wife?

Wed, 12/05/2012 - 09:43
Tired of feeling as if your partner isn't tuned in to your emotional needs? It may be easy to overcome this issue once you better understand an ADHD characteristic that could be impacting you both.

6 Big Relationship Busters — Are You Doing Them?

Tue, 11/20/2012 - 11:08
Without realizing it partners can easily fall into behaviors that undermine the health of their relationship. Ask yourself: am I engaging in any of these six relationship busters?

Pressing the ADHD 'Reset' Button

Thu, 10/18/2012 - 10:53
Some ways are better than others when it comes to improving focus and managing the everyday overwhelm of their ADHD. Here's one strategy - creating a "recalibration" routine.

Everybody Has ADHD! No, They Don't

Tue, 09/18/2012 - 16:58
People who have ADHD are confronted by media articles or other people who think that ADHD is just an excuse - a case of having too much to do "just like everyone else," or being lazy in a busy world. Research shows those naysayers are dead wrong.

Everybody Has ADHD! No, They Don't

Tue, 09/18/2012 - 16:58
People who have ADHD are confronted by media articles or other people who think that ADHD is just an excuse - a case of having too much to do "just like everyone else," or being lazy in a busy world. Research shows those naysayers are dead wrong.

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Adult ADHD and the Sexless Marriage

Wed, 06/20/2012 - 13:15
Couples in ADHD-impacted relationships need not suffer in sexless marriages.

Are People with ADHD Lazy?

Mon, 04/09/2012 - 17:27
Do you see your ADHD partner or your child's inability to finish what he started as a sign of laziness or selfishness?

About Ritalin, Scare Tactics, and Medications for Kids

Wed, 03/07/2012 - 12:06
Ritalin and other stimulant medications used to treat ADHD continue to be a political football, a hot-button issue in which parents are asked to be either "for" them or "against" them. In this interview ADHD expert, Dr. Edward Hallowell, provides important insight into the role stimulants should—and should not—play in treatment.
