I am always looking into things in addition to medication which help reduce symptoms in my son and me. I am wondering if anyone has had any success with brain training software/subscriptions. I just signed up for a trial period with Luminosity, but I don't know enough about the success rate, how it compares to other programs, etc... I am also looking for fidgets for my son and me. I understand there are calming fidgets and alerting fidgets. I already tried Silly Putty with my son on a recent trip and it was a disaster. It melted in the heat of my car, and he wanted to hurl it and stick it to things.
Since I am asking for help, I thought I'd also share things that have helped me. In no particular order, and because I suck at prioritizing anyway ;)...
- Meditation
- From ITunes: Dr. Steven Worringham's Focus on ADHD: Attention and Concentration for Study. It's a 1 hour "song?" which apparently induces beta waves (concentration brain waves). I just turned my IPod on again because this "form autosave" keeps flashing as I type and it was driving me crazy with distraction. As soon as I turned it back on, I could tune it out much better and focus.
- Smartphone with calendar
- Fish oil
- Vitamin D: friend recommended it to me for moods, and it definitely helps take the edge off, though nothing is perfect
- exercise
- adequate sleep, which is easier to accomplish with a full dose of my medication at night (if this is perplexing, please see my post on ADHD and Sleep Issues
- Understand Your Brain, Get More Done, by Ari Tuckman. An easy to read guide/workbook to help with all executive functioning issues. This guy understand ADHD like Melissa Orlov and Dr. Hallowell. He KNOWS what he's talking about, and he knows what we ADHDers have to go through to accomplish certain things. It is such a practical book.
- For understanding ADHD, I LOVE the Driven to Distraction series, by Dr. Ned Hallowell.
- For understanding the dynamic between ADHD partners, you really need to read Melissa's book, The ADHD Effect on Marriage. If you are on this site, you care enough about your marriage to do something, so you may as well read it. Also very easy to read.
- Abilations Core Disk. I just got a seat cushion for my son, which I am currently sitting on as I type. It's to reduce fidgeting while seated. I used it at dinner the other night, because he can't sit still when the meds are wearing off... It worked like magic, both yesterday and today. The only downside so far is that it is filled with PVC balls, which I understand present a health risk? I need to research this more, as they are INSIDE the disk. There are other companies which make similar products...
I will edit and add more in case I have forgotten something (Who, me???)
I don't use all of these
I don't use all of these myself, but here's a few useful things I've run across...
So many ADHDers seem to get caught up in technology... smartphones and the internet and computer in general, especially. Me just as much as anyone else. I figure I might as well harness that predilection into helping my ADHD, instead of hindering it.
You mean physical stuff you can play with to keep your hands occupied, right? In that case...
Rings -
As a kid I would twist rings around my fingers ALL.THE.TIME. (I also fidgeted with my feet, hair, mechanical pencils, and more but that's another story.) I also have some funny equipment-free fidgets I think I developed to cope... like biting the tip of my tongue, and running one fingernail (usually the ring finger) up and down over the ridges of my thumb fingerprint.
OK, not many others of mine that are too useful... when I clean I like to sing or listen to very familiar songs, as I described it to my man: "If I have music going, I know I will be distracted by the music and not by something else." but that isn't a fidget and isn't practical at the dinner table or the classroom!
Also can you explain the difference between alerting and calming fidgets? I can't quite figure it out, even with the help of the internet...