Forum topic: What preparations are you making for aging?

I'm glad to see an article on this subject.

Nearly everyone, as they age, declines cognitively and/or physically.    What kind of decline it is matters to how it can be treated, or how one can adapt one's life to compensate the loss of mental or physical capacity.

Having ADHD is no magic protection against also going through general aging mental decline or early dementia, just as not having ADHD is no protection against aging or early dementia.

Perhaps because I'm a decade or two older than many active posters on this board, plus have been through enough years with friends and colleagues to watch some begin mental and physical decline in their midlife or late midlife, while others remain sharp as a tack and/or very vigorous, on into their 60s and 70s, I take the issues of this article as a serious matter.  I strongly believe that to live well into late middle age and on toward the years of being truly aged, you have to do some preparation and thinking about it.  So many posting on this board are already on the cusp of middle age, are middle aged or older.  What will happen in a household in later years, if there is ADHD in the couple?  What happens to someone whose ADHD has never been diagnosed or managed, when old age declines that we all go through add to that person's struggle with life.   None of us are Peter Pan.  Old age is vastly understudied by the medical establishment yet, as the article says. It's possible to live a third of your lifetime, now, among the truly elderly.

So I want to learn from you.  If you're in the process of learning about your own aging, what preparations are you making for its impact on your life?  If it is showing up in your life, how are you tackling it?




I came to this place in my forties, in just how I & downs. Blood pressure...So I had to think about my life style (I was willing to do anything to avoid prescription meds)...Eating, sleeping, exercise...So I started a regiment of supplements....Whole food vitamins, fish oil, garlic oil, Primal Defense (probiotic). Cut back on breads, sweets, gave sweet drinks and teas for the most part...Increased fruits and vegetables, and water....Since that time (60 now) I have also given up pork (except for ribs once or twice a year) and beef (other than a steak from time to time)...Or if it's served to me as guest in someone's home....I just don't buy it any more...I do eat venison, chicken, fish and turkey so I eat meat....

Also just recently I added another supplement for prostate health. After retirement in 2013 I started working out at a local gym 3 days a week, and bought a bike and road it on the days I didn't go to the gym. This exercise has been so good for me in every way.

There are things I have no control over when it comes to my life here, but, the little things I can do to make myself as healthy and strong as possible I want to do that....I have wonderful family and friends that I want to be able to enjoy and be a blessing to...So it's just part of daily discipline to take care of my body...It is the temple of the Holy Spirit....I also desire an active sex life, and now that I've hit the sixties the best way to do that, is doing my cardio, and keeping my internal organs and blood flow strong...

The mental aspect (our minds) is also helped by exercise and good eating habits...the hereditary aspects are what they are....My Mother had some short term memory loss before she recently passed away in her mid eighties, My Father is still living and he lives alone...He is starting to suffer w/ short term memory loss also, he will be 86 in January....Neither were health conscious when it came to diet, and exercise although my Dad has been on supplements and vitamins most of his life...

My system is more sensitive (reacts to) to stimulants or meds than many I run across...So I switched to decaf coffee back 20 years ago...I do get caffeine in my dark chocolate and my hot green tea from time to time, but I try to not over do it....

Worry!...Anxiety has been by far my biggest enemy over the past 20 years...Losing a wife and marrying one that I can't live with...It's definite been the struggle for me....But most of that is behind us now, the worry that is...It will be what it will be....I have my preference of course, but, I'm much easier to be round when i don't worry are allow anxiety to clutch me about another's actions....

Finance's are what they are, but, I have good medical, my home is paid for, and I have no debt....So I don't see that as an issue....

Spiritually I desire to find continual rest in the savior, and summit my will to his....It is the Father's wisdom I need, it is he who is preparing me for this life, and the next one.....It is he will encourage me, and empower me to love....

Yes at 60 I have considered this question....How am I preparing to age?