Forum topic: what happens if I don't care any more

I forgot this board was here and when I searched my own name I saw how much I used to post!  I am 43 and have been married for 19 years to an ADHD husband.  Our 15 year old son is fine, our 12 year old son has Asperger's, sensory issues and anxiety.  Hubby has had two jobs in the past three years--fired from both.  He has been unemployed since January with nothing on the horizon.  I am not even really sure what happened with this job because the story he told me doesn't make a lot of sense.  He has lied to me for the entire 19 years of our marriage about big things, small things, inconsequential things, important things.  The last time he lied was when I found out he has another bank account, one I did not know about, that had several thousand dollars in it even after he had been fired.  I have no idea where the money came from or what he does with it--it went from $3500 in December to $1200 in February and I have no idea where it all went.  He will not tell me.  Won't tell me where it came from, won't tell me what he spent it on.  Throughout our marriage, every time he lied I used to wonder what it was going to feel like when I had had enough and now I know.  that lie was it for me.  we will not be splitting up, we can't afford it.  but I no longer trust a single word he says and what's worse, I no longer even care.  he told me the other day about some friend of mine who had hit on him several years ago and not only do I not believe it actually happened, I honestly don't even care.  it's clear he is going to do whatever he pleases regardless of the consequences to me or our family.  I'm not being very clear--what happens if I no longer care what he does, if he actually finishes anything, if he lies, whatever.  He's a nice person, we don't fight on a day to day basis.  He has an okay relationship with our kids, but I run the show.  All of it--finances, medical decisions, appointments, managing the house.  Half of what goes on around here he doesn't notice or even know goes on.  He doesn't ask about the kids appointments (the older one just had a cardiology issue--he didn't ask about the appointments).  I cannot count on him for anything of any consequence.  He will call me and say I'm on the way home (from somewhere like 30 minutes away) and not walk in the house until 2 hours later.  No idea where he was in the interim and he doesn't say.  Whatever.  

How do others deal with that feeling of being completely wrung out and spent ALL the time.  I have no energy for anything extra at all.  I have gained 15 pounds in the past year--I used to swim and walk and jog--no energy any more.  he has always been this bad, it's just the longer it goes on and the older the kids get and the more I see that I have grown and changed over the past 19 years and he has not, the less patience I have for it all.  he has no direction, no goals, his unemployment runs out in June and he has no idea if he can get an extension, what he will do to make up that money, nothing.  I am the only adult in our family and like I said, it's been this way for a long time, this is not new.  he has not changed his behavior, I have changed the way I see things and what I want.  my plan is to suck it up for the next five years and when our youngest son goes to college to be done.  I am so tired of taking care of another adult who is supposed to be my equal partner but because of the ADHD he is just not capable.  He is medicated and when I ask him how he thinks he is doing or how he thinks we are doing, he says fine.  I'm not surprised-what's not to love about a life where you get to behave any way you want and someone else does all the hard stuff.  I would love to not have to be so vigilant all the time, to only have to think about myself and know that someone else is making sure all the boring hard grown up stuff like bills and appointments and disciplining and schlepping kids and making meals just magically gets done.

how do other non-ADHD spouses manage to keep doing what needs to be done with so little help and in fact having to work around someone who often makes things a WAY bigger project than they need to be???




Just wanted to apologize again for the lack of sensitivity..I went back through your posts....You are a bigger person than I. I can deal with a lot of crap, as long as I am dealt with honestly and truthfully. This hidden money and basically another hidden life...Not me, there has to be something to stay for in a relationship...I know the two beautiful faces that give you the courage and strength to face each day. Hopefully your husband will find some truth and new convictions someday, so he can see the wonderful family he has been missing.

Dana, I feel your pain...

Out of frustration with my husbands behavior, I have resorted to search the internet and stumbled here at ADHD & MARRIAGE!  WOW! I didn't realize that there were so many of us out there!

I've been married for 17 years to a man who hasn't been medically diagnosed as having ADD but he characterizes all of the behaviors. Thank goodness our teenage children have not inherited the behaviors.

Over time what started out as loving and fun before marriage and children has turned into him becoming a workaholic for his boss and leaving nothing left to give to his home and family other than a paycheck. His boss gives him a to-do list every day and he succeeds with that.

At home, if I don't give him direction or a to do list, he sleeps and watches tv. He doesn't have any hobbies. He grew up in a home where Momma did everything for him and his Dad was a workaholic.   He is also a recovering alcoholic.  He quit for 20 years and began drinking socially 3 years ago.  He is not able to control that anymore...

In the early years I was so caught up trying to be a good wife, home maker and mother.  In hind sight, I encouraged my husbands lack of responsible investment into his home and family because I took care of everything while he worked outside of the home. I did daycare from home, took care of our children, ran all the errands, did the shopping, cleaned the home,  took care of the yard, cooked the meals, paid the bills, fixed maintenance issues at home , kept up with doctor visits, and was the soccer mom. 

When I had our third child it was about that time I realized he had some issues...  I was naive.  I thought everyone was responsible for themselves and their own children. I was being pushed to my limit emotionally and physically.  I was asking him for help at home and with the kids but this was probably four years into the marriage and it simply pushed him away.  I became angry.  I was used to being independent and continued as such. I just stuffed my emotions down and continued to give...

You are probably wondering where the ADD comes into play.  Well some examples would include leaving the vent open on the woodstove when he goes to bed, or leaving his tools all over the place and not being able to find them , or being in charge of watching small children at the beach with waves and falling asleep! Or what about running an errand that should take a half hour and being gone for 4?  Or let's just say we are agreeing to rake the leaves off the yard and he has to take a break every ten minutes to eat or use the bathroom or watch the game.  The garbage can be over flowing in the kitchen but he will walk past it.  Only when I'm dumping it will he offer to bring it out!   We also have several unfinished projects all over the home that I asked him to take care of. Unless I remind him repeatedly they will not be taken care of.  And when he does get around to taking care of them he is usually doing it with a bad attitude because I "nagged" him:(

If we flash forward to today, I simply hire others to do what I cannot do now or my children pick up the slack. I now work outside of the home.  My relationship has crumbled because he doesn't help me as I have repeatedly asked him to. I've been a single parent for a long time living in a "marriage".  We are suppose to be a team.  He is on his bosses team.  I can't be responsible for him any longer. I enabled him for too long without even realizing it.  I have tried to communicate with him and he is just in denial with his ADD.  So I leave him to himself.  I am responsible for me. I have to finish raising these children.  I now have a separate bedroom. This situation is embarrassing. What choice do I have? 


I'm So Exhausted's picture


I read your words and see some of my life story.

"My relationship has crumbled because he doesn't help me as I have repeatedly asked him to. . . . . We are suppose to be a team. . . .

I spent a very long time trying to "make" my spouse help me, or at least carry what I thought should be his fair-share of the responsibility load. The choice I made was to try as many ways as possible to get him to see what I needed/wanted/expected/hoped.  The choice I now make is to be me, express my feelings, and remind myself that I-Me-Liz will not make a choice to stay with a man who seems unwilling to make a relationship that compliments both of us.  This is felt in my heart.  I DO NOT bash him over the head with this information, nor do I continually threaten to leave if things don't improve.  I KNOW I have a choice.    'Fix everything' is indeed a choice.  It is not the only choice.        

I've been a single parent for a long time living in a "marriage". . . . . . . This made me chuckle at myself, as I did everything with our children.  Set daytime rules, homework, PTA, dance lessons, buy school clothes, winter wear, etc., etc., etc.  My children are now 23 and 25.  I loved and cherished every minute of being a stay-at-home Mom.  I guess my spouse had the stero-typical view of "Man works and makes the $$$, woman does all the house/home/child care."   Even thought I continually expressed my alternate views, they fell on deaf ears.  Even though I continually reminded him those were NOT the ideals we shared when we agreed to marry.  The choice I made was to try as many ways as possible to get him to see that I LOVED doing all that I did, and with the extra load of doing all the administration work for his construction business, I also had a part-time job.  I now see that no matter how much I tried to explain, he was unwilling to understand, so he would infer/insist/point-out that I had problems. . . . . . . . . .and he did the lion's share of monetary providing . . . . . and poor man, look what he has to deal with at home with his wife.  

I can't be responsible for him any longer. . . . .  I enabled him for too long without even realizing it. . . . .  I never called my spouse on his poor behavior, I just took it.  And took it.  And took it.  And the pattern we developed was a very poor example of what a marriage should be like.  I spent a long time trying to get him to ACKNOWLEDGE things, and he did/could/would not.  Now the choice I can make is that I do not need his acknowledgement to make something real for  I-Me-Liz.  What I want is a man who sees me, hears me, respects me, and cares for ME, rather than the person he can mold and meld with his anger.  He controlled with his anger, and I was controlled by his anger.  Who was in the wrong?  BOTH of us.     

I have tried to communicate with him and he is just in denial with his ADD. . . . .   I believe my spouse can acknowledge his ADHD, I just do not see that he can understand the negative impact some of his behaviors have on me.  And in this aspect also, I do not need him to acknowledge it to make it real.  It stinks being forgotten, it stinks having someone disrespect your own personal space, it stinks carrying all the responsibility in a relationship.  It stinks realizing the only way he shows happiness is if I am compliant, bendable, and give in to his anger by doing everything his way.  

So I leave him to himself. . . . .  Yes, I do this too.  It is HARD to watch him be angry and miserable, and despondent.  I know those are HIS things to change, if he desires.  If the only way he can find happiness is by bullying me around and getting everything his way, he will be out of luck, because I no longer choose to fill that role.  And I fully realize the choice he may make is to leave.  

I now have a separate bedroom. . . . .  This situation is embarrassing. . . . .  What choice do I have?  . . . . . I am still working on this one.  He moved out of our bed in anger - he stated he was tired of being pounded.  And he never has expounded on what that means.  I never hit him, not punched him, nor kicked him.  I did wake him to tell him he was sleeping.  I did pull away if he hurt me in his sleep,   He did not acknowledge his snoring disrupted my sleep.  He did not acknowledge that his involuntary muscle spasms when he was sleeping, hurt me if his hand happened to be resting upon a tender part of my body.  I like having the bed all to myself.  I like sleeping soundly without disruption.

I have a need for REAL.  Our relationship is a mess.  At the current time, I do not like it nor him very much.  We have absolutely no intimacies in our relationship,  yet he yells at me about that, too.  His anger  just drives me further away.


Now I know if I am not true to myself, and true to my spouse, there is no hope for our relationship.  WILL it survive?  Only time will tell.  It will take two.  And not - Me insisting -  and - him denying - and -  both of us being angry at each other.   Maybe there is nothing salvageable here.  And maybe there is.

My choice is live my life.  If it can compliment and be complimented by my spouse, well Hot Dog!  How nice.  If not, it will be OK.  Hard, not the ultimate desire of my heart, but definitely doable.



*******I have recently seen a lady looking back at me from the mirror - and I said, "Hello friend. Long time no see!""*******

Thank you for this line "Now the choice I can make is that I do not need his acknowledgement to make something real for  I-Me-Liz"  This has been a real struggle for me.  I have spent a lot of time and energy trying to get him to acknowledge the impact this has had on me.  Thanks..I really needed that!  I will now go repeat that 500 times until I truly believe and accept it.  I need to stop wasting my energy!  :-)