Hello Community,
I first found this resource through the show video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XB1Hj2K2XZc and then got and read the book. I am a Christian and see many of us struggling with the whole aspect of our feelings about our ADHD spouses on many aspects and levels. I want to offer this resource by Dr. David Clarke as it has helped me immensely to see God's Word on my marriage so much clearer because I believe the biggest anx many of us have is not wanting to be out of God's will--especially if one's wants/needs to leave the spouse.
Blessings & Best, Shine1
Thanks for this!
Dear Shine,
Thank you for this, I actually spent a quite a lot of time watching the videos and I aim to get the book too - really helpful in my situation! I am Christian too, so thank you for sharing this!
A in M,
A in M,
You are so welcome! I was so relieved when I found it. My spouse did see me reading it one day and I purposely put it down with the cover turned away--I wasn't trying to be passive aggressive about it. A couple of weeks later I brought up the book, trying to have a civil compassionate discussion. He said that he saw the title, but didn't want to discuss it because it made him uncomfortable and he didn't want to discuss it then either for the same reason. I wondered: Who does/says something like that knowing the precariousness of their marriage??!!! So the wonderful aspect of the Dr. Clarke's working plan is that you can do it with or without your spouse's involvement. But when the spouse is willing, it certainly helps towards feeling there is some hope.