Forum topic: Newly diagnosed w/ADHD & husband also has ADD

I'm newly diagnosed as an adult with ADHD. Seven years ago I was diagnosed with Bipolar 2 (what was called Major Depressive Disorder). The symptoms for these 2 conditions are very similar and overlap. Since having been diagnosed, I have started to wonder if I was MISdiagnosed . My husband also thinks I may have been misdiagnosed because the more I tell him about ADHD symptoms the more everything makes sense! His symptoms are different than mine. He's more neurotypical. 

I just started treatment with Wellbutrin, even though it is not approved by the FDA to treat ADHD. We've noticed I'm a bit sharper, I can remember things and my mind isn't so foggy. The only problem I'm having now is sleep. I will give time for the Wellbutrin to work (can take up to 8 weeks) and if I don't feel much of a change by October I may request a stimulant instead. Had anyone been on both? What do you notice is the difference? Thx 


My wife is diagnosed add...My daughter is diagnosed adhd....I'm not diagnosed, but most think I'm adhd at some level....The only one medicated in the family is my wife...Adderall....She has to take it early (first gets up) or she struggles to fall a sleep....She most always listens to books on tape, or TV and uses sleep aids...melatonin, natural herb tea's, and at times benadryl....My daughter was diagnosed mild to moderate and manages w/ out meds....

My first wife (late wife) was given wellbutrin for her OCD....She didn't like the side of effects (sluggish at work) and quit it.....

Blessings....I hope you find the right meds for yourself....
