My husband has not been successful with any conventional ADHD medications. We have tried several alternative treatments and are still searching for solutions.
I would encourage you to consider trying this over the counter supplement. My husband has been using it for about three weeks and has experienced some promising results.
The very first time he took the supplement he sat down at the computer and worked for a solid four hours. He said that it would usually take him a week to accomplish what he was able to accomplish in four hours. He said that his work was much more streamlined and he didn’t go off on so many rabbit trails.
Yesterday he finished some very lengthy and tedious monthly reports two weeks early. He usually completes them several days late.
I noticed with one activity that we did together that he was more content and less extreme.
Today he said to me, “I feel like I’m seeing things more clearly now.” He didn’t elaborate on his statement and I didn’t want to grill him on it. But I have to believe it’s a really good sign.
The product is Nano Glutathione from Nanoceutical Solutions.
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Hi hopeful heart, as I am I like to experiment anyway... so I'd like to hear more about any progress or anything else that your husband has reported by using the supplement.
Even though the Adderall that I'm on... makes a good bit of difference in my ability to stay on track and focus more consistently. Having said that outside of exercise alone, I'm always looking for anything new to try even if it augments what I'm already using. Let us know more as you find out please.
Update on Nano Glutathione
My husband has continued to take one dropper full of this supplement every day for almost three months. I can honestly say that I see positive changes in him and in our marriage. He’s more attentive and connected. I’m frustrated with him much less and I’m even starting to feel like I have a real partner in my life.
He saw positive changes at work immediately, but it’s taken some time to see and feel changes in our relationship. I think that’s because of the wall that we’ve been building between us for almost 24 years. It’s taking some time to chisel away at the wall.
I would encourage you again to look into this product and give it a try.