Forum topic: Does anyone have experience with medication affecting empathy and other feelings?

I am new in here. So I'm sorry if this has been discussed a lot before. I am curious to hear if anyone has any experience with medication and if it effects empathy? My husband lacks affective empathy and perspective taking. It has lead to a lot of pain and hurt feelings. He has this need to be completely honest and open. And will say "it's just who I am". He's not purposfully mean, but it does lead to deeply hurt feelings when he needs to express what his thoughts and feelings are and they are often very negative towards me. Or he even expresses how he feels about other women etc. He gets frustrated and sad when I feel hurt, and he is confused and doesn't know what to do because "it's who I am, and I don't know how I can do things differently while at the same time being authentic". He also struggles a lot with getting in touch with his emotions and will often just say he doesn't know what and how he feels. Most of his feelings are negative. Like frustration, irritation, resentment etc. He seems to almost never feel happiness or love etc. He is untreated, but is being diagnosed. So my question is: Do you as a partner or someone with ADHD yourself have any experience with increase in empathy, getting in touch with feelings and/or feeling more positive feelings like love and happiness when finally medicated?  


Alexithymia look this up, and see if it relates to what you see with him....

My wife takes adderall daily in the early AM only. (can't get appropriate rest if she takes it after the morning) She is much more able to manage her thoughts and associated comments with co-workers over the next 10 to 12 hours are so...By the afternoon's and evenings (meds wear off) she is much more likely to spit out loud or impulsive comments that are rude, condescending or mean....And she doesn't even recognize it to some degree...IF I point it out, she will be like a deer in the headlights look, or she will just try to flip it, and make it my problem....

The best things for us in the afternoons is exercise, walks, she does better when she's exerting.....IF she is home it's better to not try to have conversations about anything important (set up for failure)....So she will just watch tv, or do the few things she needs to do to get ready for the next day at work...ADD minds like her's has to have down time as she come off of the adderall....Any attempt to make her focus in what she considers her own environment (safe place) creates more implusive unfiltered comments.....

It's simple really, I don't have to like it, and I don't have to stay....But, if I stay, for peace to be had, I must realize it, and accept it....

Hope this helps...