Forum topic: Diagnosis?

We are looking for an objective third party to diagnose what we think is ADHD in my husband. Can anyone offer any suggestions as to whether we should go to an ADHD-specializied physician, a neuro psychologist, a marriage counselor, or a family medicine practitioner?


Thank you.





Based on my experience with my son who was diagnosed as an adult with non-attentive type I would suggest a psychiatrist who specializes in adult ADHD.  Since we live in a state where a psychiatrist is the only one who can prescribe stimulant medication it made the most sense to get counseling and meds from the same provider.   

Thank you for your reply, ADHD32.

I had thought (perhaps erroneously) that going to an ADHD psychiatrist could be a self-fulfilling prophecy. For example, an ADHD psychiatrist would be likely to diagnose ADHD and hope to treat ADHD at his/her clinic, while a more neutral 3rd party might not be "motivated" to make an ADHD diagnosis.

My husband and I agree that he likely has ADHD due to his exhibiting many of the symptoms, so we will pursue an ADHD psychiatrist.


Thanks again.