I am a middle-aged adult woman, diagnosed and medicated for moderate ADD the last 10 years. My teen daughter is also blessed with this gift and her response to medication has been much more obvious. My very focused and productive husband has adapted to life with an organizationally-challenged but well-intentioned wife. I don't feel ADD is part of how I define myself, but I'm currently unemployed, which often accentuates my ADD tendancies. This is creating stress in my family, and recently my husband suggested that I blame ADD as an excuse. Even my physician sister questions the validity of ADD. Yet I'm seeing a counselor who brings ADD up as an issue fore me more often than I'd like.
I looked for content related to 'validating or believing in ADD as a condition' on this site and was surprised not to find it? I'm formulating a longer post for 'ADHD Marriage' but thought I'd start with this? J
ADD is real
There is no doubt that ADD is real, but perhaps the reason you don't see many posts on this site about validation is that we already know this fact. However, we make a point of telling people that while ADD is real, it shouldn't be used as an excuse for not moving forward with your life. I suspect that not having the structure of a job is making your ADD tendencies worse, but perhaps you can create some structure around job hunting (if that is what you are doing) or other activities.
See the post on The ADD Balancing Act on more on ADD as an excuse and the need for all with ADD to "own" their ADD.
this is a great article: what