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Anyone have experience with this perfect storm of ADHD, addiction and anxiety? My husband was diagnosed with ADHD as a child and is on medication. He's been struggling with tobacco addiction (and hiding it from me/lying about it) for several years. We've been having serious marital turmoil for the last six months (related to adhd and tobacco use) and during this time he's started medication for anxiety, and - as I learned last night - an alcohol dependency.

Does my wife have ADHD?

Hi, I posted this a while ago on another Forum when things were particularly bad... We are getting back there again. I would like some opinions on whether the community think my wife has ADHD? She is a teacher and is starting to think she has ADHD. I also think a lot of her behaviours fit. 

I have been with my now wife for 11 years. (Married for 5) She moved in 8 years ago when her shower stopped working. I renovated her place and she sold it. I am very patient, but as the saying goes "Beware the fury of the patient man... "

The toxic family that surrounds the ADHDer


I was wondering how common it is for ADHDrs to have extremely toxic families. My spouse has a mother who is bipolar. Who has periodic suicidal flip-outs, gossips extensively, and airs dirty laundry like it's her full time job. She is untreated and undiagnosed, but has every symptom. She has an ego so massive, constantly victimizes herself and wouldn't be caught dead apologizing. 

The father was abusive and neglectful, and addicted to meth. I mean, how toxic can it get? 

Will I Survive This?

Again, I'm in such inner distress it seems my heart & mind are about to explode. I (non-ADHD) have been married for over 2 decades (spouse ADHD). It seems what's going on now is much worse than it was 7 years ago. At that time I'd left the state (twice) and moved 800 miles away. There was no way I wanted to be around my spouse. Now, I feel so foolish for returning. I've been back for a few years. WHY did I believe him? 

What is a boundary?

Boundaries are typically misunderstood as something you place on others...That is true to a degree, but, that kind of thinking will fail more often than not....Most people struggle with boundaries, because they create situations in life, that most of us do not want...Selfish people, or people who want their way in certain area' s of life, will not like boundaries....When we consider marriage relationships, we think about freedom, (naked and unashamed) we think about things (words) like life partner, helper, lover, provider, security etc....Boundary isn't typically one of our go to thoughts.

Ghosted and blocked

Is this a common trait with adhd? Right now I feel completely shocked/lost/hurt/confused and every other word along with it. 

so for some context, a guy I've been happily dating (he has adhd, medicated) for 9 months. All super happy, attentive he was the first to call me his girlfriend, introduce me to his mum etc. one day, I receive a random text from a girl who says I'm with her boyfriend. I didn't respond but instead told him. He washed over it and said he'd explain later and carried on asking/telling me about something else that was bothering. 

What to do?!?!?

The relationship with my spouse has deteriorated to the point that he frequently does not recall what I say (insists I said something that I did not), and also frequently does not recall what he said ("I never said that" and "you are lying"). It is now easier for me to say nothing rather than being accused of attacking him nearly every time I speak. If I am quiet and not talking "I must be angry with him", but if I say anything then I am criticizing him.
