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How do I deal with the effects of his ADD on MY life?

My husband was diagnosed with ADD about a year after we were married, after he lost 6 jobs in a year. He was 45. ADD is not one of the things treated by our local mental health agency. I had to pay for his treatment out of pocket because we had no isurance. He takes meds and seems to understand what is going on, but they don't really help. He's done a lot of things which have endangered me, which I've posted about before.

Now what I'm writing about is, this is apparently as good as it gets and it's not good enough. I can't deal with the consequences.

NEED help now Wife with ADD

Me and my wife have been married 12 years and i am lost she found out she has ADD i am like ok that is what the Doc says less go with it. she can not keep anything organizied before she started the medicine. things seemed to get better even with sex everyone would say that is great. but here is where it goes off the track she does a lot of research on her side with ADD but does not see my side i say something and she gets a whole another meaning out of it.

I've Left, I am Healthier than Ever, then Why am I Miserable.

It will soon be a year since I first came to this site with many months in between my last post.  My problems came to a peek when my ADD husband after I left the home began to fight me for the custody of our 2 children.  It truly got as bad as bad could get my “boy next door, good Christian man and best friend” became the most deceptive, malicious and irresponsible man I have ever met.  Despite my fears and pleas for assistance for intervention from “our mutual friends and family” for over 11 years, because I left my husband; I received no assistance. 

Just Watched EWTN Abundant Life with Dr. Hallowell. What a blessing. Help for a Christian Struggeling with ADD HUSBAND


Last night I was on this site, I really needed to assess where I am and if I am on the right track with myself emotionally.  Now that my husband and I are no longer together, I see this site as a tie to stay connected to what was my reality.  


What can I do???

I suffer with ADHD hyperactivity and impulsivity.  As a kid, I was diagnosed with ADHD with the same issues when I was in kindergarten.  I took ritalin up until I started high school and my parents took me off of it b/c I became involved in sports.  I graduated from high school and went on to college and graduated.  I am 42 now and am successful in my career.

Competing for Sex

Having to ask for sex is demeaning.  Having to ask for sex, being told "yes", anticipating intimacy, and then nothing happening is cruel.   Having an ADD partner has it's challenges, but none is more difficult for me than the yo-yo of our sex life.  He and I deal with my life long depression and my medications greatly affect my ability to be aroused.  Consequently our sex life tends to be one sided.  That does not bother me, and I actually get pleasure from watching my husband's pleasure, but sometimes it needs to be my turn.

Pregnancy and ADD

I am a 29 year old woman diagnosed with ADHD 2 years ago.I have been in a replationship for 11 years now , and married for the last year and a half. My husband and I are thinking of having kids and are seeing a marrige counselor now to go through alot of issues before we take that big leap (eek).

But my bigest hold up in this whole process and one I have found extremly limited information about is, if I am taking Adderall (and that lack of info is not just linked to this drug), and I want to get pregnant what should I do.

The Work-Neglect Continuum - Balance with an ADD Partner

I am in a rather new but serious relationship with a man who has nearly debilitating ADHD. If he is unmedicated he will go off grid and be unreachable, and contacting me doesn't occur to him. This I understand is not a slight against me and have made peace with it.

Why is my ADHD husband so short tempered and angry?

We've been married over a year. We really do love each other, I swear. But lately, I'm concerned about how he treats me. He is responsibly addressing his ADHD (I guess) by seeing a doctor. He takes concerta, prozac, and some other drug (recently) for road rage. (I can't believe there even IS such a drug!)
