Recent forum posts (all topics)

No venting, no understanding, let's talk about some strategies in this one... =)

OK, like so many other people I've read my fair share of books, blogs, forums and discussions and what I don't often come across is places where people present an issue or challenge or situation and others suggest real specific strategies to handle, adapt to or overcome the issue.  I'd like this topic to do that.  Let's have people present a situation that has happened or a behavior that they exhibit and  lets have others share some specific strategies or techniques that could create a different, more desirable outcome...sound good?

Here's my first one...

My husband has come up with an interesting idea about ADDers always being late

Apropos of nothing, my husband came up with an idea that may explain why he's always late. He says he thinks he gets an adrenaline rush by leaving late and still trying to make it there on time. Does that make sense to anyone? I know it's one of the most frustrating things us non-ADDers have to face in our marriages.

Advice PLEASE from both ADHD and non ADHD spouses

I figured you would be the perfect person to ask for advice. I've been married to my ADHD husband for 2 years and dated for 3. He also suffers from depression and anxiety. The years together consisted of a lack of compassion, communication, and self control. I feel like its been a good amount of mental and emotional abuse but he will instead say its normal and that I'm with that said, I tend to doubt myself and my decisions.

making progress, feeling hopeful, but PTSD?

Since my husband being diagnosed ADHD--innattentive type several weeks ago, and with couples counseling, medication, a new smartphone, and very helpful Hallowell books, my husband and I have made much progress in reconnecting. It's not perfect but much, much better. Fortunately, my husband is committed to learn how to negotiate life with ADD and to improve our relationship.

5 Months post-separation and doing ok

Hello everyone.  It's been awhile since I posted here ....been getting my life together a bit at a time and just taking time for me.   My husband and I separated five months ago...right before my 50th birthday and 26 years of marriage.  It took me awhile to get to the separation point....years even....but I finally took the bull by the horns and asked him to leave.  He didn't want to of course, got angry, defensive etc but he did leave.  Slowly, slowly I've been turning things around a tiny bit at a time.   I had no idea just how bad things had gotten around my house, and how much my self

Tired of the Roller Coaster.....losing hope.

I am new to this site, and feel grateful to have found it.  I think right now I either need to be "talked off the bridge" leading to divorce or pushed off completely just to finally have some relief.  My marriage is in big trouble and it has been for quite some time.  At this point, there is essentially no communication between us except for the defensive, argumentative variety (if that is even "communicating").  Most days, it's better if we just ignore each other, but this is no way to live either.  I take full responsibility for not always being the most loving, kind wife.

Burnt out

My husband has ADHD, something that was actually one of the things that made him unique, energetic and fun to be around with especially when you are 20 years old, have unrealistic dreams and love to be overwhelmed and swept of your feet. He was on Ritalin as a child for many years.

Seeking wise counsel

This is my first time ever writing to a forum. This will be a long, long post. It may not even be allowed.

I am so grateful for this site. I have been reading for about six months; you cannot know how valuable all of your sharing has been to me. I am writing because I am earnestly seeking sound advice on a situation in my life.

Almost two years ago, during the course of my job I met a charming and wonderful man. It turned out we had many shared acquaintances, We had a lot in common, including the fact we were both in AA.  
