Forum topic: Burnt out

My husband has ADHD, something that was actually one of the things that made him unique, energetic and fun to be around with especially when you are 20 years old, have unrealistic dreams and love to be overwhelmed and swept of your feet. He was on Ritalin as a child for many years.

But even before marriage there was small warning signs. Irrational, emotional, sarcastic and unfair fights and blow outs that would irrupt out of nowhere and always when we were alone, leaving me numb with pain, just to hear the next moment I am the best person and that he loves me so much. The suttle manipulation was not obvious from the first moment but it became more clear as years past. Most times I was so shocked about, how is it possible that some one can get angry so fast and say such hurtful stuff just to adore you the next moment and tell you that you are the world to him. So much so that I considered the fact that I am perhaps making to much of the anger and arguments and so I ignored what was in front of me, because I really could see the amazing man he really is.

And so we got married, and we have fought ever since. He has been running his own business now for 12 years and we have been together since the first day and married for 10 years of them. We have two little girls, 5 and 2.

I feel terrible for looking backward and being consumed by the past but for the past 2 years I have become so drained that I just cannot stay positive anymore. I just have no proof that the next 10, 20 or 30 years will be any different. I have lost myself and all my energy in this marriage and have cannot be a good wife or mother to my children this way. We have been through emotional and financial roller coasters on a daily ride and somewhere along the line I climbed out.

I worked for him for several years, and then for myself the past 5, I have no steady income, I am 32 years old and totally dependant of him, something that he would also throw in my face when we should argue about money and him buying impulsively stuff we do not need, but I lately realized that his controlling behavior and jealousy has really channeled me in such a way that I am where he wants me to be, close enough to him not to loose me and in fact, he is loosing me. I have given up my own personality, my dreams and goals to understand him and make him feel safe and loved and adored. I always thought that this is the best way to treat him with his condition and that this would be the best thing for our marriage. But in fact I was doing the wrong thing.

Our house is a mess, our finances are a mess and we bankrupt, our emotions are a mess and everything seems uncontrollable. He acts on impulse, buying expensive stuff we cannot afford so much so that I do not even buy anything small for myself because I feel guilty to spend. It seems that he always has to bump his head before he learns, and it feels like he is a child in the house. He even bought a house without viewing the property from the inside. A house he now lost to the bank together with an expensive vechile. Stuff I pleaded with him to reconsider not to buy.

The past was filled with arguments and lies, below the belt fights and name calling and I am disgusted with myself that I even fought back the way I did, then I started to ignore him, which also did not work, and then I started writing down all the things he would say to me during fights so that he can read it the next day to remember, because of his ADHD he has a way of forget what he say during heat full arguments. He was of course shocked and as many times he would promise me the world, tell me how stunning person I am and how ambitions I am, just to say the next day I am useless. But the next day he would confront me for not making any money and contributing to the household when bills arrived – but he forgot the fact that I was working for him, with no salary. I never had a day maternity leave in my life, and would come out of hospital straight back to my home office table in front of the pc because I wanted to keep up with his rapid pace always thinking that was excepted of me because he lacked a empathy with me or with me taking care of two kids.

Before I fell pregnant with our first child, I wrote him a letter saying that I want to divorce him if he does not seek help. The psychiatrist called me in after 2 sessions, explaining to me how his head work, but that there is no excuse for the verbal abuse. She tried to help me cope in situations and I can say that things got slightly better. He was prescribed medication but he stopped using it because it made him feel without energy.

But the arguments came back, even the pinching under the table when no one can see, when he would shake me, or made me cry or break me emotionally before we would visit my family and friends. So much so that I did not want to visit them anymore because the way to there homes was just to draining. Almost like the way to church, or away weekend with the kids.

So I started to adapt to his behavior, and started surrounding me with people and things he felt safe and happy with. Surroundings that would cause less friction or outbursts. We had our first child and I remember many heated fights with the little baby in my arms and him shouting in my face, calling me names, calling my family names. The worse one was the evening before our first girl’s christening, I am clinching her body and he is swearing in my face, and the next day we stood in church and I felt so betrayed and fake when he Christened her. Useless hurtful stuff making me numb with pain and sadness. He would go out and drink with his friend, telling me he is working late, and I would drive around searching for him at night, worried sick, just to be so mad at him when he eventually comes home drunk and fighting with me for being upset. He would change around the whole situation that at the end I don’t know what we are fighting about.

He cannot be at home for a long while then he needs to leave again, always driving somewhere or wanting people around him, but he needs me to give him constant attention, but when I need it sometimes he would easily brush me away, saying not now, or he is not ready for me now. In many ways I feel used.

He is extremely jealous and always wants to know who I am phoning, who I email or sms and who I speak to on a daily basis. When I go out on a Saturday afternoon (which now happens once every 3 months) then he would phone me several times wanting to know when I come home, where I am and what I am doing. We both work from home, we see each other during the day more then any other couple, I never go out without him, and still he is keeping me so boxed in that I am going mad. The kids are my priority, according to him a woman’s job. There was nights that I would sit in the passage, with both kids crying and he upset because I am not in bed with him. When he goes to bed, then he would call me non stop or put of the tv off until I do so as well, I never read anything ever, and books were always my passion, but reading means that I am neglecting him.

I have no friends, because he was jealous when I go out on coffee breaks or anything. We know many people, and everybody loves him, because in fact he is an extremely great guy. He seems social but still when we visit people he would be nervous and fight before we go there. He sometimes make up things that certain people or friends do not like him when I know for a fact they adore him. Nobody know about what we go through or about the mess our lives are in.

I love my husband but not as in the beginning and I am emotionally detached from him. I need to help myself now so that I can be the best mom I can be for my children. I have been thinking of walking away. Many times I would get in my parents car and just want to drive away never to be found.

He knows how I feel these days because I have been talking about divorce. His words of course, if he can’t have me, no one will. I am not looking for another person in my life to be with! I am looking for myself, I need to get back in control of my own thoughts and emotions. I cannot carry him emotionally and encourage and motivate him to be the best he can be, he needs to do that for himself now.

This past few weeks he have been sending me constant text messages about how he loves me and will change etc and this is irritating me extremely. I don’t want any promises, I want out. I want a new beginning. I cannot see my childrens faces anymore when we fitght so bad, We are breaking our little girls hearts.

And so what he feared actually happened. I met a lady friend, and we had an affair. As he said we would. My whole family knows now, I am consumed with guilt and shame, and identity crisis and have to go with sleeping pills to get to the next day. He has been hurt terribly about my behavior and ironically enough he only remember the past year, nothing about the past 9 we have been emotionally struggling. Him almost losing me has opened his eyes and now he is smothering me to repair the damage AND interrogating me on a daily basis about the affair, just to say the next moment but he have forgiven me. He is back on medication, twice daily. Without this I cannot even communicate with him, because he seems anxious and irrational.

And the best of everything is that he is a very very good man and the girls love him so so much! He just has the terrible anger and ADHD disorder that is overshadowing all his good points. This a man that I would have defended with my life a few years back but now cannot anymore, because I am not whole anymore, I am broken, irrational, unsure, unhappy, unsuccessful, uninspired and living only for my 2 little girls.

The most positive thing out of this whole ordeal is that he now has a much better relationship with our daughters.

I have cracked, slowly but surely. I do not even want advice anymore, I just want somebody to say to me, it is okay if you leave him, things will get better, your children will one day understand and not blame me and that I should not feel so guilty for giving up.

It felt like we have fitted in 40 years of marriage in 10 years.



Miss Behaven's picture

Oh dear. I am so sorry you have been through all this. He sounds very controlling. Many of the things you describe here are the signs of an abuser.

Do not make excuses for him due to his ADD as it does not make someone an abuser! There is no excuse for him calling you names, acting so jealously, controlling every little thing and mistreating you with a child in your arms. He may or may not also have a personality disorder or some comorbid along with his ADD. But even if he does it is still no reason to stay with someone who hurts you so badly.

If he refuses to seek help please find yourself and your children a safe place to run to. It is OKAY to leave this man. You have children and yourself to protect. You cannot allow your girls to grow up thinking women should allow themselves to be treated this way.

Your daughters will grow up and see things with understanding someday. They can still have a relationship with him from afar. They can grow up seeing their mother be a strong woman who does not allow men to treat her like cattle.

You absolutely do not have to stay in a relationship like this.  You will feel a million times better after you leave.  I promise.  Your life can be a completely different experience, with none of this abuse.  You deserve the peace of mind, and your daughters deserve an emotionally healthy mom, not to mention a peaceful home life.

You can find a lot of information online about resources for women who are victims of domestic violence - which this DEFINITELY is.  I just searched Google for domestic abuse resources, and found a good website -  They have a 24-hour hotline you can call for information about where to go, what to pack, how to leave, etc.  It's called the National Domestic Violence Hotline & the number is 1−800−799−SAFE(7233). 

I'm SO glad you wrote.  It sounds like you're ready to follow the advice of the posters here and make some much needed change.  Change can be scary, of course, but don't let that stop you or even delay you.  You have the strength you need, just go for it.  Things are about to get much better!

I found this site just recently in my own desperate search to understand ADD, and in hopes that I can learn some skills to cope with with the issues (read: chaos) my husband's ADD-driven behaviour is creating in our lives.  But before I post anything that resembles seeking out my own support, I feel compelled to respond to yours.

I don't really know very much about ADD yet (other than from websites I've visited in the past few weeks, and what I've learned when I read posts from many other spouses of ADDers - and then cry my face off with recognition), but I do know abuse.  And what you are describing here absolutely reeks of abuse.  ADD or not, the way you are being treated is NOT OKAY.  Not for you and not for your children.

So... it is okay of you leave him, things will get better, your children will one day understand and not blame you and you should not feel so guilty for giving up.

If you have truly "given up", then now is the time to leave.  Before this verbal and emotional abuse takes a toll on you that you can not recover from. 

You can not save him, and you can not change him - I think you know this already.  You can only save yourself.  And you need to start now.

(Is that really want you want to hear?  It's definitely what I want to say, after reading your post.  And I'm honestly not sure if I'm at this site to really get advice and support, or if deep down I'm looking for some sort of justification for wanting to leave my own relationship.  But you do sound so sure.)

And while I have not endured the years of abuse that you have, I can surely relate to feeling as though I am not whole anymore - broken, irrational, unsure, unhappy, unsuccessful, uninspired and living only for my children.  THAT is something I am already starting to feel a little bit of recovery from just by reading the posts from others who are living parallel lives.  Not that I want anyone to endure the same craziness I do, but because I know now that at the very least I am NOT crazy.  Or mean.  Or a generally awful person.  And neither are you.  And even if/when you do leave, you will need to learn skills to continue to cope with your husband, because the two of you have children together and therefore will always be required to have some sort of communication.  I think that no matter what, YOU need to find a way to start healing YOU.

I really hope this helps...

Dear Ocean,

I have almost forgotten how life was with my soon ex husband. He was not as severe case as yours, but I still felt lots of the same feelings that you are feeling at the moment. I did not leave him, but I was very close to make that decision when he found a new woman and he left me, our relationship of 15 years and our 2 daughters.

As strange as it may sound, but I still loved him, although he made my life very miserable. It was still a total surprise to me that he could do this thing to me. I was devastated and although my brain was telling me that it was for the best for all of us, but I had difficulties to accept it emotionally.

Now, one year later, I am on holidays in our or actually nowadays my summer cottage with my daughters, the same place were we spent our last horrible summer holidays together. And guess what, I do not miss him at all! Even his things around the house, do not bother me, I will put them away one of these days. I feel million times better than I felt for long long time (years). I am not stressed, I can do what I want, I do not have to be each second ready to please him or feeling guilty if failed to do so. I know that you are not crazy, even if everybody else tells you what a great husband you have, you know what is really happening. These guys are very good manipulators and as they are so charming, they fool many, especially women.

My daughters do not miss him and are happy to live with me. They see him ever second weekend and nowadays he shows them much more attention than he did when he was still living with them. My daughters seem to be much happier and I cannot say that they have suffered from our separation, on the contrary.

My relation with my ex is quite distant, I had enough of the roller coaster life and I do not feel like being his friend either. I want to go on with my life and leave the past crazy life behind me.

I do not think your life will ever change with him, so definitely you do have the right to leave this man and I think that is what you need to do. Too many women scarify their own lives and dreams for men like this. It is not worth it.


It a shame but i see many of these qualities in myself in the past and i have been working diligently to become a better person. My girlfriend is on the verge of leaving me I sense, we had a huge blowout a couple of weeks ago, the biggest problem for us is that she was diagnosed adhd also but has not been as aggressive as myself in treating it. I love her so much and am completely broken hearted over this last week. I dont even know what to type. I did a much better job with this girlfriend, i am 36 was only just diagnosed in oct 09. I had no idea my whole life why i was such a screw up. Multiple relationships have been destroyed because of my adhd, but also because the people i atttract have all had adhd or other disorders. I dont want to lose this one, I have been consistently in therapy for the last7-8 months, i take meds everyday. I have become a better person. She has the patterns of adhd too relationships are great in the beginning then eventuall, boredom, isolation, set in. Ditched friends in the beginning.

recently i opened a new business which required a tremendous amount of effort, and a horrible fight with the city that took years off my life i swear. During this time i wan't the most pleasant person to be around, often working til midnight or 2 am then coming home exhausted. It took its toll on our relatinship along with her getting a new job which required her to work overtime to the point where she tried to run a 10k and ended up being hospitalized due to ?????    The whole time i was building this new business all i could think of was that our future was going to be so much better once we got through this, and it will if we stay together and she can forgive me and get herself help. this sounds like a case of double burnout almost, but i am still madly in love with her in fact morse so now than ever that everything is falling into place. At 36 years old i can honestly say that this is the only girl i've ever even considered marrying. she's the reason i sought therapy and wanted to become a better person, she inspires i feel she's burnt out....i feel sabotaged, hurt, broken, mislead and empty. but i understand her adhd so my love for her is unconditional.  i know its cheesy but i feel your pain. adhd is a motherfucker.

jip, adhd can be a pain ... stay on the medication, set reminders for your pills, write things down, organize your life, count your words before you speak to her by taking a deep breath, my husband now sometimes go to the gym and go sit in the sauna for 20 minutes before he comes home so that his body and mind get tired, it really works, it makes him relaxed and easier to be with, and his mind is not racing

and of course, ask her to do the same, if she has adhd she must put in the same effort you are now, maybe get her to go see somebody or go together even, and get her some pills

i am pretty sure that you guys will make it through, at least your brains are wired the same way so you can figure this out, keep me posted 

Thanks, we saw my Dr. together last week and once again it helps put things in perspective. He is an excellent Psychiatrist and highly recommend Basically my fear of abandonment and her fear of not knowing who she is  was working together to make us not work together. We have a gameplan  and made a deal to work more on fulfilling each others needs rather than our own. While I thought being overly affectionate and doing nice things for her was what she needed in a relationship, it really wasn't, that was me nurturing my fear of abandonment. She needs more freedom, which i was blamed for restricting and to some degree I did. But also her lack of openness about what she wanted to do would cause a negative reaction from me about going out. EXAMPLE: Her friends bday party this weekend, she was invited and asked me to go, this is part of the deal, I told her to go by herself as it would be easier to meet people in her industry and see some old friends, without feeling like she had to keep me entertained. Then the next day she says she doesnt know if she's going to go. I sense she really wants to go, but holding back on her enthusiasm!!! I explained to her my negative comments from the past were not to harm her but rather playing of her not knowing if she wants to go out, so I would point out the negative based on her indecisiveness so i could spend time with her. Not because I wanted her to be a loner or isolated. Her lack of communication and sense of self fuels my fear of abandonment, and my fear of abandonment fuels (smothers) her lack of self identity. Mix adhd into that and you've got one hell of a power couple!!! things sre looking better the last 2 weeks, consistently positive, working together its a nice change:) Therapy helps.

We saw Inception Sunday after a nice long day at the beach, 2 great weekends in a row without a fight??? But in the theater I remember looking over at her while she was watching the film and picturing her sitting next to me 30 years from now with grey hair and some wrinkles and thinking  I would be the luckiest guy on earth if we are still together that long, I just couldnt live with myself if I continued to make her feel restricted or smothered, intentional or not, this sparked a fear of losing her so deep that i guess you could say it scared me straighT.

Wow you are me and the only difference is, you have children. Same age, same situation, same mimicking, demoralizing, abusive behavior. I posted this a few minutes ago but I think you probably would be most helpful since it appears I'm coming from something very similar. 

"I've been married to my ADHD husband for 2 years and dated for 3. He also suffers from depression and anxiety. The years together consisted of a lack of compassion, communication, and self control. I feel like its been a good amount of mental and emotional abuse but he will instead say its normal and that I'm with that said, I tend to doubt myself and my decisions.
My question is, am I wrong not to have faith in him that he will change? Am I wrong that I want someone to truly love me and be nice to me? I understand I married him knowing he had ADHD BUT what bothers me is that he takes everything out on me. I feel like you can be depressed or angry...even crazy but you don't have to hurt someone you love. He's very disrespectful towards me and its been abusive. I've stuck by his side thru all the craziness. I have a big decision to make on whether I will stay in this marriage but honestly I don't want to waste any more time. I feel like I will never forgive myself for giving him another chance and have him treat me the way he did. I have no kids yet so that's why I feel like I should walk away. This is my second divorce...I'm 32...I tend to give people chances that don't deserve chances. So I sit here, thinking love would conquer all and I could make him a better person. I've learned that all the love and affection I tried to give(that was constantly rejected) won't help him. I'm worried that I will be stigmatized because this is a second marriage. I guess I'm scared of being judged. Also, did I do enough to help him? I would by books and write him emails of things to read on the internet about his condition. I even found his doctor. There is only so much I can do.
It was his idea to move out of the house. He pretty much abandoned me. Initially he wanted to move out because he hated me, hated marriage and I made his life miserable (as an FYI, he was depressed, anxious and angry when I met him...I figured one day he may turn on me like he did with everyone else in his life and my time has come). My husband forgets things easily and is so convinced he used to be happy. So now he moved out but things have changed and now he tells me he moved out to better himself and that he didn't mean all those things. I can't handle the roller coaster and I feel like there is only so much I can handle.
I just don't want to make another mistake. I need guidance and I really did love him and do love him. I just don't want someone being mean to me anymore when I deserve love and respect. My problem right now is that when I think about giving him a chance, he snaps on me. He still can't control his anger nor will he let me speak. With that said, he will mimic me and put me down.
I probably answered my own question but advice from others would be helpful. It's tough going thru this alone. Right now I'm confused, sad, weak and I just want to live a happy, healthy life. He says I'm giving up on him and never loved him but when do I love myself?"

I am writing from the perspective of the ADHD spouse.  I have driven my wife of 8 yrs, whom I dated for 3 previous to marriage, to filing for divorce.  I do not understand why she accuses me of being in a bad mood often, when I am not, just tired or concentrating.  Then enough nagging and accusing, I then reassure her original thought, I am not in a bad mood. I think a lot of this has to do with my personal frustration, disappointment and lack of the perception I have of my own actions and words.  These are not meant as excuses but try to seek help together as well as individually.  Until coming to this forum a couple of days ago, probably too late for myself, I never realized that the things my wife would bring up were the same as the concerns and frustrations many have.  I just attributed it to her type A controlling personality.  I think maybe she just communicated them in a way I percieved it as argumentative and nagging.  The anger, lack of patience and interupting are not always a deliberate act and when I do this it makes me mad .... at myself.  I have a post from yesterday at about noon (point of view) if you can read it.  I lack an ability to show or communicate everything but most of all my ablitiy to come acroos the way I intend.  I am so afraid of the future and my inability to help myself because I want to but have not been able to yet.  The appearance though is that I do want to and don't respect my spouse.  This is so far from the truth but I am begining to understand why she thinks this.  Good Luck.


i don't know why but i feel what i wrote was unfair to him... he has been on medication and therapy for  the past 3 months and really is a changed person when he stays on them, he has never been a physical threat and the verbal abuse decreased as we worked through the adhd and me writing things down, he has an alarm reminder on his cell phone for when to take his pills otherwise he forgets

he really is an amazing person and the sad thing now and i think the real issue now is because of my irrational behavior with having the lesbian affair (maybe it was a cry for help or a way of seeking an emotional bond) broke this man i truly once loved more than life, how do i forgive myself for this?   and because the way his brain works it is even worse for him to filter, so he gets anxious - and i think i feel guilty that in all your replies no one mentioned my wrong behavior, he did not deserve that

we are stuck, i feel i have an obligation to him even only as a friend then, he is trying, he is coping much better with finances, assisting in home and with the kids, and he never gets angry or blow outs anymore, he is learning slowly but surely and he has excepted the fact that he has a different view of  life  

i am just concerned that this roller coaster ride has completely emotionally and physically detached me from him, but i know he loves me dearly, i just cannot reconnect, i am just so tired

Linsy's picture

Been with my husband for 25 years, married for 23. It has got worse and worse, and your description here could be him talking. I found this site yesterday, and feel there may at last be a way forward.

You are describing an abusive relationship and given his volatility, you should take his threats to hurt you seriously (if I can't have you no one will).  Please do two things - call the National Domestic Violence Hotline (1-800-799-7233) and talk with them about how to leave this situation safely and then seek psychological counseling that will help you both heal from it and also learn how to not get into another relationship that is equally bad.  If he threatens you after you leave, get a restraining order.

It is awful to be in this situation, but this doesn't have to be your future.  Get out of this relationship for your own health and sanity - but please do it carefully and with the help of experts.  ADHD may be one of his issues, but it is clearly not the only issue and the advice at this site that deals with ADHD is incomplete for your situation.

It seems a lot of people here are ascribing ALL of their spouses' troubling behavior to ADHD. I'm glad my boyfriend didn't find this site until after he'd learned I wasn't a violent, volatile psycho.

I'm not trying to dismiss people's real and serious problems. I'm just saying there are risks to this unfiltered* blaming of all marital and psychological problems on ADD.

*On the other hand, someone just this morning wrote: "i don't know why, but i feel what i wrote was unfair to him ... he really is an amazing person and the sad thing now -- and i think the real issue now -- is my irrational behavior with having the lesbian affair." We all appreciate the gracious concession.