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My ADHD Partner Broke Up With Me and Need Insight

6 years of a domestic partnership down the drain after a recent stressor came to the forefront. I can't make sense of any of it. My partner (28F) broke up with me (38F) this past week. This is the second time. The first time was due to what she says is this crippling fear of the future and not being able to "get there." That first time she was stressed from her job and this was prior to diagnosis. She said she felt like she needed to be on her own and do her own thing. It was devastating and I took it hard and I accepted it.

And he flipped

So this ADHD thing was going so well.  At first my husband was resistant to the idea, but little by little he started paying attention and understanding it and recognizing that's what he has.  Two weeks ago he told me how much he loved and appreciated me for doing all this research and learning about ADHD, and for helping him learn about ADHD and how helpful I've been in making changes to how I approach things and sending him reminders and all this stuff.  Then today I texted him about our daughter (who is learning to drive and TERRIFYING me way beyond what her brother did or twin sister is



If you are on Melissa's FB page and want to remain anonymous on this site,  be careful how you comment on Melissa's FB page.

I joined the FB page a while ago but never looked at it until yesterday.  I found some of the comments and word choices were eerily familiar.  I'm no detective but after 5 years on this site I've become familiar with some of the long time member's stories and catch phrases etc.  If you want to remain anonymous here, please consider what you post elsewhere.

If you aren't concerned about remaining anonymous please ignore this message.   

High Performing but Tired

Hello ADHD fan club.

I'm new here.  I've been fairly gunshy about admitting ADD for most of my life...but when originally diagnosed, there was no H yet if it gives you a timeframe as to how long its been.  Like most of us, I can be very high performing at times and sometimes it's best to just crawl back into bed.  Still, over the years I've gotten enough tricks in to be relatively high performing and to put myself into situations where I'll do well and avoid those where I'll fall. 

Parenting with an ADHD partner

My husband is a great dad, really.  We have four teenagers.  He loves his kids, spends tons of time with them, is super involved, etc, and he has always been like this.  His biggest parenting flaw is that his ADHD tends to make him have disproportionate knee-jerk reactions.  If the kids do something wrong, or I have to relate a problem, he tends to over-react, frequently without knowing all the details, and dole out some ridiculous consequence that he'll completely forget about two days later and won't follow through with.  This is a difficult co-parenting situation.  I want him to back me
