Forum topic: PSA


If you are on Melissa's FB page and want to remain anonymous on this site,  be careful how you comment on Melissa's FB page.

I joined the FB page a while ago but never looked at it until yesterday.  I found some of the comments and word choices were eerily familiar.  I'm no detective but after 5 years on this site I've become familiar with some of the long time member's stories and catch phrases etc.  If you want to remain anonymous here, please consider what you post elsewhere.

If you aren't concerned about remaining anonymous please ignore this message.   


We strongly urge people at this site to not use their real names or email addresses as their user name.  This can help keep you anonymous here.

If you feel someone is being abusive to you online you can report their behavior to the site managers and to Facebook itself.  Enough times reported, particularly if the post includes a threat and/or a posting of an address or personal information, will likely get the person taken down from Facebook.  Please feel free to notify me directly through the contact page at this site if you feel that people are abusing their posting rights here.  We've set it up so that it shouldn't happen anymore, but still want to hear if somehow something gets through.

AdeleS6845's picture

I do see posts on Facebook from Melissa's group. It is rare that I comment on these posts, because I wouldn't want my fiance or anyone in his family to see me comment about our relationship or any problems we are having. That is what this site is for. 

I would never have used my real name on this site and I like that. We should be able to seek support and advice without opening ourselves up to scrutiny from family and friends.

There was a woman on one of the Facebook posts who snapped at me and accused me of not having an ADHD partner and not being married. I'm assuming Melissa took the post down because the woman was rude.

All together, I think twice before I respond to anything whether it's on Facebook,  tiktok or other social media where my real name is visible.