We get enough comments and questions about porn addiction and the use of porn by those who have ADHD that I asked some of the coaches at Recovery Nation (an organization that helps people overcome their porn and sex addictions) to write an overview of the topic. They have graciously complied with my request, for which I thank them. Their overview includes how to know if you have a sex addiction, what to do if you suspect you have a sex addiction, and seven good links for further reading. You can find it in our resources section, here.
- MelissaOrlov's blog
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Yup, this was our experience.
Yup, this was our experience. I actually had no idea until he told me after 3 years of marriage. As with any addict, he was very good at covering his trail and I had no idea. Fortunately, I am married to a good man who recognized that this was something he wanted out of his life because he could see where it was leading - away from me and the life he wanted with our family. Just like any real change, it had to come from him. After 1.5 years of meeting with a counselor (weekly at first) he has now been free of those chains for 2.5 years. The addiction is real and requires professional help to overcome but it can be overcome.
Safe Eyes - A Solution
I have had issues with this in the past and realized that there was no easy way to get away from it as more and more work was being transfered to the interent.
hence why i was glad i found the program - "SAFE EYES"
it blocks porn and etc from kids - adults - even your self ( for those suffering from porn alone)
While it dosent change things inside the person struggling - I have found it to be an excellent way to curb the effects that porn has on our lives.
This way instead of spending hours watching porn - those hours can be spent with those we love.