7 Dangerous Myths About Anger and ADHD
Anger often invades ADHD relationships, and couples may compound their pain and feed that anger by falling victim to these common myths.
Anger often invades ADHD relationships, and couples may compound their pain and feed that anger by falling victim to these common myths.
It can be confusing when ADHD partners start learning more about ADHD and are met with a lukewarm reception from a spouse. What's going on?
Non-ADHD partners end up feeling more resentful when they work on their relationship without input or engagement from an ADHD spouse.
Looking to have a happier year in 2015? Why not pick one of these eight resolutions that can help couples impacted by ADHD turn their lives in a happier, healthier direction this year?
All of us have bad days sometimes…even bad months or longer. I’m having one right now that has to do with my negative feelings about the impact of my husband’s job in our lives. The problem is, my responses are making things worse. As always, you can learn from my mistakes - in this case about how NOT to approach your partner.
On the one hand, today (Dec 31) will unfold much like tomorrow (Jan 1) - so what's the big deal about New Year's?! On the other hand, why not use the holiday as a reminder to reflect a moment about who we are and where we are going for the next 12 months? In that spirit, I hope you'll take a moment to set just a few resolutions in motion. Here are mine for 2013:
Want to know what success looks like when you've pretty much lost hope and then turn things around? Here is a letter that came in to me this week that describes it so well that I thought I would share it. Of particular interest, I think, is the connection between the two partners as they progress - they create an upward spiral of positively reinforcing behavior that really helps them succeed.
Lots of ADHD spouses are uncomfortable with the idea of trying medication as treatment for their ADHD – and some number flatly refuse. If you’re stuck in a battle with your partner over the importance of medication, here are four tips for you.
There is a very interesting forum conversation going on that I would like to highlight here for those who are interested in whether or not they should continue dating someone with ADHD. In a nutshell, the original poster is nervous about whether or not the problems she sees in her relationship with her boyfriend with ADHD will always be present or if they can be improved.
A personal story from arwen about dealing with stress and making adjustments with ADHD as changes occur in a marriage.