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  • by: J - 3 months 4 weeks ago
    not being balanced in the first place? I mean, ADHD is a chemical imbalance and an imbalance in other functions going from one extreme to another: emotional disregulation and behaviors, insecure attachments....anything you can name, has to do with imbalance. And speaking about your soon to be ex-partner....not taking meds to help you stay balanced...a correction to that chemical imbalance in the brain. I'm glad to hear your taking measures to get yourself back on track. It sounds like your doing the very...
    >>> on Forum topic - "That's Just ADHD" vs. Enabling

  • by: Recently Diagno... - 4 months 1 day ago
    Thank you x we are working the the adhd relation audiobook and both disucssing parts. Ive stopped checking his phone because, really, its not helping my mental health and I've said to him that if the show was on the other foot, he would absolutely not agree with me texting another person. He has been "better" since we started listening to the book but I'm taking it with a pinch of salt.  We shall see what happens but I am now less naive and considering ALL of my options. Thank you for the advice and...
    >>> on Forum topic - Trust has gone

  • by: BeyondConfused - 4 months 1 day ago
    Yep. I think I started with the best of intentions. And with time, I allowed that balance to shift. And it ultimately cost me. But, I am learning from it at least. Even now with my partner, I am starting to take back some of my power and shift the balance towards the middle again. I am hoping that we will be able to remain amicable for the sake of our kids. I am unsure of how our couples counseling session is going to go. With him not taking his medication, I feel that he has become very unpredictable. Not...
    >>> on Forum topic - "That's Just ADHD" vs. Enabling

  • by: J - 4 months 1 day ago
    I agree with the last thing you said about finding a healthy middle ground. Balance being the goal I think. I suppose balance is what a stable relationship is all about. In in my mind, I've got to be balanced if I'm going to bring my part of the equation into it. Bringing my best self into any relationship means me being balanced first and staying that way....a whole person by myself.
    >>> on Forum topic - "That's Just ADHD" vs. Enabling

  • by: BeyondConfused - 4 months 3 days ago
    Thank you for clarifying this, I understand now.  And this has been something I've been doing a ton of self-reflection on recently. I know my RSD comes into play in relationships and has caused issues in the past. I was in one healthy relationship where I was constantly worried and anxious that my partner would leave me. He would get annoyed and tell me off. It was me that left him because I realized that the dynamic wasn't healthy.  With my ex-husband, there were warning signs that I missed. I wanted...
    >>> on Forum topic - "That's Just ADHD" vs. Enabling

  • by: honestly - 4 months 3 days ago
    I'm sorry; this sounds horrible. It seems like your husband has a transactional attitude to the relationship, or af least that's what he communicates - rather than a loving, nurturing one, and that's always going to cause the relationship to be vulnerable. In my experience, people do sometimes have affairs in order to force their partner to act on a situation they themselves won't work to fix or to bring to closure. They make you do the emotional heavy lifting. It's a coward's way of ending things.  In...
    >>> on Forum topic - Trust has gone

  • by: BeyondConfused - 4 months 3 days ago
    Oh my goodness!! My heart broke reading this. But I am so happy to hear that your daughter is doing better now. I can't even imagine how awful and devastating that must have felt.  I think that's the biggest thing right now. The way he has been around the kids has always been problematic. But I was able to make excuses for it most of the time. Or I kept thinking he would change and behave differently around them. We would go through phases where things would be better. And where with time, he was still...
    >>> on Forum topic - "That's Just ADHD" vs. Enabling

  • by: BeyondConfused - 4 months 3 days ago
    Recently Diagnosed, I am so sorry that you had to experience this! My ex-husband also had an affair. And he blamed it on me. I was not aware that I had ADHD at the time, I didn't start suspecting that until I ended up with an ADHD partner. And then I got my diagnosis this month. And my absentmindedness, excessive talking, and struggle to keep on top of chores or have them done quickly, used to drive him crazy. But, that doesn't excuse an affair. Your husband knowingly lied to you and knowingly decided to...
    >>> on Forum topic - Trust has gone

  • by: J - 4 months 3 days ago
    I think it may be easier to approach what I was saying from a different direction instead. I understand you're planning on leaving your spouse so this really isn't about him but more about your future. If I could go back in time and tell myself everything I know now....I would tell ( me ) to listen to what people were trying to tell me.After a number of relationships failing one after another,  I began to realize that all these different people, who were not connected to each other in any way....seemed to...
    >>> on Forum topic - "That's Just ADHD" vs. Enabling

  • by: dalanak - 4 months 3 days ago
    It feels like you've described my husband. Only we also have children. This is complete and utter self-destruction. Read about OTRS and Cassandra syndrome. We have all of this. I don't know what to do myself.
    >>> on Forum topic - Non Adhd Spouse Vent

  • by: ToasterCoaster - 4 months 3 days ago
    I am curious what partners feelings are about the ADHD male reading erotic stories. Because it is text, there are no actual women being objectified or victimized. However it is fantasizing about someone other than your spouse (even if it is fictional). Is this as hurtful to the spouse as pornographic videos or images? Is it less hurtful but still painful? I would really like to know what women think about this.
    >>> on Blog post - 9 Reasons Porn Hurts

  • by: BeyondConfused - 4 months 4 days ago
    That's just it. The trust is gone. I've been married and divorced already. I spent years trying to work on that marriage and ended up just becoming a shell of myself. And I compromised my moral compass so many times to try and make it work. I had promised myself that if I ever ended up in another scenario where a relationship broke down, that I would do all that I could to try and repair a marriage, but that I would know when it was time to walk away. I'm not the person I want to be right now. I'm...
    >>> on Forum topic - "That's Just ADHD" vs. Enabling

  • by: BeyondConfused - 4 months 5 days ago
    I might have missed what you were trying to say. Were you trying to say that sometimes my partner and I may be defaulting to certain behaviors towards one another due to patterns and as a way to relieve anxiety or feel in control? 
    >>> on Forum topic - "That's Just ADHD" vs. Enabling

  • by: BeyondConfused - 4 months 5 days ago
    I see what you are saying. That makes a lot of sense to me. I need some time to think about this and process it. I'm going to try and explain things a bit better. Because maybe I didn't. Or maybe I did, and I will see that once my brain has processed this fully. I realize you are talking about patterns, this is a little long, but I will get to the patterns part at the end. So if you can bear with me, great. Some of this I think I just need to type to get it out of my brain and help me understand what I'm...
    >>> on Forum topic - "That's Just ADHD" vs. Enabling

  • by: Swedish coast - 4 months 5 days ago
    Your description of your current situation is much alike mine last year. You get to a point where trust has run out. Every interaction from there is just disfigurement. You can't be who you want to be, or act in a pleasant or neutral way, or cope with any more of your partner's behavior.  I was told by close friends that I was disappointing them by always complaining of everybody else. I was also told my needs were greedy - I should be able to give out generously to others expecting nothing in return....
    >>> on Forum topic - "That's Just ADHD" vs. Enabling

  • by: J - 4 months 5 days ago
    Hi Beyond Confused. I'm really trying my best to communicate better in an effort to stay out issues between my SO and I. We're all here to help each other so if you can trust in what I'm about to say, then I'm hoping I can say something that your ADHD friends didn't say very well. Having said that, I believe they saw something you weren't seeing in your interaction with them and between your spouse, but it hurt your feelings and your focus was not on what they were trying to tell you. I immediately...
    >>> on Forum topic - "That's Just ADHD" vs. Enabling

  • by: Catterfly - 4 months 5 days ago
    It sounds like you're close to where I was when I left my husband in July.  For about two years, I would wake up to him yelling at the kids.  Then at night, after I'd spent an hour putting them to bed, reading stories etc (even though they were tween/teens), he would march back upstairs at 11:00 pm and yell at them more. Sometimes he would haul them out of bed to clean the kitchen - his chore! In January I gave him an ultimatum: no more yelling at the kids, ever, or you must go on antidepressants.  And if...
    >>> on Forum topic - "That's Just ADHD" vs. Enabling

  • by: J - 4 months 6 days ago
    Much of what you've said I've thought of myself at different times.  I can only add my own thoughts in addition. From everything I learned so far, since I was first diagnosed ( about 20 years ago ). I'm more than a little confident in saying that ADHD is only part of the story. It always comes with other things.  I actually thought I had OCD ( which I do or at least...components if not fully diagnosable ) I actually read online, a list of things commonly associated with OCD and one of them was ADHD. I...
    >>> on Forum topic - Is ADHD underdiagnosed?

  • by: BeyondConfused - 4 months 6 days ago
    I feel my trust has been broken too much.  I've told him how I feel, I have more than once communicated ideas to help build the relationship. It goes through the typical cycle of things work for a bit and then they don't. He read the book as well and was excited to implement ideas and suggestions. Until it came time to do so. The last time I tried to express how I felt, I just got told "I'm sorry you feel that way" and he shut right down. I can't work with that, that ends up being me doing all the talking...
    >>> on Forum topic - "That's Just ADHD" vs. Enabling

  • by: J - 4 months 6 days ago
    I also wanted to mention....while my SO was bringing things from her past into our relationship....I was also doing the same. Rooting out anger is one thing....rooting out distrust is a different animal. Distrust is rooted in fear...and fear and anger are common bed fellows.. distrust being the  by-product. As I was saying. That shit has got to the toilet where it belongs!  J
    >>> on Forum topic - Coming Full Circle, Paradym Shift, Acceptance is Key
