Recent forum posts (all topics)

New diagnosis/Coaching

Hi, my husband, age 35, has just last week been diagnosed and within a week or two will be put on medication, Ritalin we expect. We took over a pizza restaurant last year and the stress of that is probably what precipitated such extreme behaviour this past year...anger, irritability, gambling, lots of electronic toys, severe procrastination around home, etc, all the classic symptoms, it turns out.

My Thoughts Hurt...

First and foremost, I must show my gratitude to whom has created this site. Upon finding this, I thought I was the only one going through so many of the similar issues other women are facing in this forum. Oddly, I felt relieved knowing that I wasn't loosing my mind, and what I thought I saw, I was truly seeing. I am a new member to this site, and recently decided to join as I have been feeling overwhelmingly frustrated in my current relationship. I feel that the tension is growing, and I wanted to find another outlet rather than venting to my partner about my frustrations.

Living Separately?

I have been married for 12 years to someone with ADD. I have been immensely frustrated and even verbally abusive at times. I don't like being that way. I've changed a lot, but the fact remains that my husband has a disorder and it is always going to be there. He has many great qualities, but honestly, so do a lot of other people, and they do not require such high-maintenance and nagging...

Integrating methods of Couples Counseling / Communication with ADD

Only within the past 2 months have I gotten up with Dr. Hallowell's writings and I have begun trying to incorperate some of the ideas and concepts that he presents about my ADD into a method of communication my wife and I have adopted through going to couples counseling. I have read and re-read all 3 of Dr. Hallowell's books multiple times, which is amazing since I'm not a voracious reader. Each book tells me more and more about myself and certain pitfalls I've encountered over the course of my life.


Hi I am not exactly sure what to say as I after reading the rules am unable to give out personal info. But I am in a real bind as my partner usually sees me on the computer and will be extremley unhappy if he sees me on an add website like this. If anyone is able to add me on facebook or myspace or even email it woul be a huge help as I feel so alone being a non adhd partner and too scared to even let my man know im asking for help cos he is sooooo defensive. maybe even if the moderator starts a adhd romancgroup on facebook or myspace?

ADHD and a Passive Aggressive

Hi. My wife is diagnosed with ADHD with a tendency to impulsivity. That was what her report some 7 years ago said. It certainy told us a lot about her difficult teenage years and lack of confidence and esteem. As our marrige matures and the stresses of life have changed - she has virtually shut down. It is so very sad to see and the helplessness involved. I have asked she possible work, join a healthclub, volunteer her time to a good cause, relax, whatever. She has little responsibility outside our home which has degraded until I brought in professional cleaners to make it livable again.

Lifespan Developmental, Situational, Individual Differences -----Not ADD-attributable

Hi all, I have been fairly vocal over the past 2-3 weeks as a new member with a lot to say. The postings have been interesting, informative, insightful, depressing, inspiring, and more--- all at once! I only wish there were more responses, more rapidly.... As a counselor, a professor, and (I hope) a thoughtful person, I would like to state some thoughts. For background, my husband was diagnosed with ADD about 4 years ago and is 43 years old. We've been married for 9 months.

ADHD & Personality Disorders

My husband has severe ADD, he takes focalin and suffers all the traditional ADD symptoms, additionally he has a deep sense of sadness, feels worthless and masks his lack of joy with either a funny, upbeat, loud, annoying, or know it all personality. Shortly after our baby was born 2 years ago he began to display anger when our baby cried and his lack of self esteem really began to show through, only to me, not to others.

Impulse Control with ADD?

Has anyone experienced impulse control with their ADD spouse? My husband and I have very different libidos, and due to our conflicts in marraige, don't always have as much intimacy as he would like. That being said, almost everytime I've gone away on a business trip, I come home to find he's been trolling on adult-only sites of any given variety... he keeps telling me it's the ADD and he can't help himself when I'm not there to temper the urge to "go look". I'm calling this BS... He says the disorder limits his impulse control and I should just not get so upset about it... anyone?
