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adhd and sex/relasonships

So as a 23 year old male with ADHD i read some of these posts and notice that it seems some ADHD men have a low sex drive. Here is a question i have i have a very very high sex drive. i know im a 23 year old male but. My sex drive is defenitally above average to the point of annoyence. And my poor wife thinks its unbeliveable and is not sure what to do about it. i was diagnosed with ADHD when i was 8 i was on ridlin for years and in my teen years 18 i tried straterra. i stoped and for the past few years have told my self i have growen out of ADHD.

Resources in Germany?


Hi.  I'm married to a 30 year old man who has been diagnosed with depression and ADD.  We live in Germany; he's a German citizen and I'm from the U.S.  We've known each other three years and been married for two, and we have a really strong relationship, though of course the ADD makes things interesting at times.


OMG! I feel like a dirty old penny.

Here we go.  I'm still newly married (I guess), just over one year.  My husband is a good man, but COMPLETELY inattentive when he wants to be.  This site has made me step back and wonder, for the first time in a little while, if it's just the ADD but good Lord I am about to lose it!  We work complete opposite schedules, so on Friday and Saturday nights, I generally stay up as long as it takes to wait for him.  Last night, I passed out on the couch while he was out on his "new adventure".  He's building a blind in a tree right now, with his brother, so last night he decided to go outside (ye

Support for non-add spouse

In seeing a lot of frustration throughout the comments....I thought it might be good to hear some thoughts from people on what they can do as the non-add partner,to help allieviate the frustrations we experience with the ADD partner.There is a lot on certain situations or how to help the ADD person,but how about personal coping mechanisms for peace.Not anything about negatives or positives of ADD,but more of a personal approach in handling the emotional part of it.I realize how easy it is to get caught up in changing/helping/mothering/nagging/preaching,etc,etc towards the ADD person.Along w

The struggle to mentally coach quietly while wrestling with feelings of failure, depression and frustration


I am 39 yrs. old with an off the chart ADHD diagnosis I received almost three years ago. To add to the struggle, I also have a slight manic aspect to it all.  After a few trial and errors, I am on Concerta and Trileptal with very good results.

How to act after a big fight?

Hi, this is my second post. My husband has ADHD, we found out a couple of weeks after we married. He was tested but still refuses to accept it. He's not taking meds which makes it very hard to reason with him. My question is how do I act after a big fight? I'm asking because it seems like every approach I tried has failed. Before I knew he had ADHD I didn't understand his behaviour at all. So after yet another fight I gave him the silent treatment. That just made him angrier even if he was the one who did something wrong.

My husband refuses to accept his ADHD

When I met my husband he warned me that he at times is very "nervous". At the time I had no idea what that meant or what to expect. When you first notice that something is wrong with their behaviour you just laugh it off as stress from work or whatever. Until you start to see a pattern then you try to connect the dots. So I got online to look for answers.  After yet another huge fight I dragged him to the doc who tested him and confirmed my suspiscion. I thought it would be a turning point for us but he only agreed to see her to make up for the huge fight we had.

On the brink of giving up

Hi all I am new here so please bare with me, I have been with my husband scince we were 13 and we had our first child at 14, we now have two children age 14 and 7, our 7 year old is deaf and disabled so as you can imagine life has not been easy for either of us. My husband was diagnosed with adult add after his mother recommended he saw the same doctor who diagnoised her, When he was diagnosed about 3 years ago it was, at first a relief to him and me and the medication seemed to help..

Successful, Motivated ADHD Husband, but Feel Alone

My husband of 17 years was diagnosed with ADHD a few years ago and he felt a revelation inside, an AHA moment if you will. He finally had pinpointed what he had been feeling since childhood. Placed in a resourse room in school because of his grades, but always winning the heart of his teachers with his wit, sense of humor and energy, he managed to get through hign school. Receiving a soccer scholorship for college was the 1st real test to see if he could function on his own, only to fail out after 2 years because he couldn't manage "it all". No wonder?

Exhausted but hopeful

I feel hope now that I've found this Web site but I'm still exhausted.  I have been married to my ADD husband for almost 7 years.  I'm not sure exactly when it started getting worse but five or six months ago all we were doing was fighting.  I was not totally aware of how difficult life is for him and letting my anger take control.  He started avoiding me.  I worked all day and most nights at three jobs while he was unemployed and doing the things he wanted to do (or perhaps felt he needed to do -- things I find odd but that he finds important -- like collecting "valuable" items from dumpst
