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very frustrated with adhd husband, especially over money

If I could get some insight here on my situation that would be great.'s just adhd..and sometimes...i wonder if it's just someone who is just selfish and anti-social..  that seems harsh but the following should explain everything.  I don't know what to do now.  I'm trying to weather through this....but stupid things keep happening and when it effects finances...what do you do???  that is what I need suggestions on.  I already am taking over the utilities.



My husband and I have been married 16 years.  He is a wonderful man but he brings things home and piles them in a corner saying that they will probably be needed one day.  His piles have spread out.  His car is so full of stuff that he can't even drive it.  We have to use another car.  I am continually cleaning out our back room to make it functional for company.  Our yard is beginning to get out of hand from things and wood that he has accumulated.  I don't know what to do.  He will not go with me to see someone about getting help.  I feel pretty confidant that he has ADD.  But would like

Feeling disheartened


My husband has been diagnosed as ADHD and has been on meds for about a year. The medication has calmed his anger and frustration but he is still completely detached. When he is home it's as if he isn't even here...he doesn't respond to his name being called, doesn't engage in conversation...he's somewhere else mentally 98% of the time. After all the reading I have done I am realizing that this behavior most likely will never change. I feel sad and lonely, and am really worried that our marriage won't survive this. When I got a married, I wanted to spend my life with my friend and partner.

How to negotiate boundaries?

Hello to everybody. I'm new in this phorum and I'm so thankful to find this resource.

I would like to ask you comments about my questions. First I introduce myself and my situation.

I have a friend with ADH, I know him since I was 15, now I'm 29 and I can say he is my best friend since then. Now our situation has changed, we're partners. And.... ok some issues have appeared in this new panorama, more of them you have commented in this phorum.

Panic attacks

I am 36 years old with ADHD and engaged to a wonderful man. When life (Especially work) gets overwhelming,  I get this overwhelming feeling that "it will never end," and I literally feel like I am going lost control of everything. My fiance has been wonderful, doing his best trying to calm me down, to see things aren't as bad as they are, and telling me it's ok. I know it's ok, but my brain is still in panic mode and I have a hard time getting out of it. I get insomnia as a result and that makes more anxiety for me.


Uncontrollable Rages/Meltdowns of ADD spouse

I would really like to hear from non-ADD spouses who experience what I call "meltdowns" from their ADD wives or husbands.  Actually, uncontrolled nuclear fission culminating in a nuclear explosion is the better analogy.  I've seen the phrase "walking on eggshells" throughout this site.  That's how I live.  Actually, it's more like walking through a minefield.  In talking with my wife, I know that at any moment she may take something I say the wrong way, or take it personally, or "mis hear" what I say ("hear" me say things I didn't actually say - scary!) and then fly into a rage.  The insult

ADHD women and the effects of menapause?

I have been in treatment for peri-menapause using natural hormones, vitamins and lifestyle changes while also experiencing a significant increase in my ADHD symptoms for the last 4 years.  Symptoms have included much more distractibility, memory loss and forgetfullness, trouble recalling names and mild depression.  Have been taking Concerta with vague results, and now trying a trial of Amantadine after reading "Delivered from Distraction". 

When do I stop believing things will change?

I truly have come to the end of my rope.

I have tried for seven years to get my husband to seek help for his ADD.  Despite a psychiatrit's diagnosis, he believes he is "managing " just fine.  I have tried the soft sell.  I have tried the hard sell.  I have tried the ultimatum.  I was diagnosed with ADD 5 years ago and have done pretty well on medication along with therapy.  My husband says, "Just because you have ADD, doesn't mean that I do."

re:children with Adhd


Melissa Just a thought.  I know that this is a forum for adults but I was wondering if because this forum is so helpful for adults could you have a forum for children of Adhd. I have a son with Adhd/Odd and I think his older brother had a mild case of Adhd. I think it would be so helpful as I have been searching for a forum and not really finding something useful. Any suggestions??? life with a special needs kid can be hard as well. Thanks for any help....
