Honey are you listening
Honey, are you listening?
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Honey, are you listening?
I think that the most illuminating thing is that there are few (no?) joyful posts in the Joy in Marriages with ADHD forum.
Reading these posts and Melissa's commentary makes me think that her experience is clearly the exception and not the rule.
My husband can't decide ANYTHING! When we got to be friends while working together, I waited and waited for him to ask me out, but he never did, until I finally gave up and asked him out. (BIG mistake!)
I have reached my limit and although we are not married, we have been together for 7 years, have one child and one on the way ( I am 8 months pregnant). I am leaving about one month after we have the baby, and we have discussed this. The first time I tried to talk to him about it he was predictably angry. He probably has no meaningful recollection of the reasons why I am leaving and unfortunately I can't really care too much anymore, I have a 3 year old and soon a newborn to care for.
When I was diagnosed last year as an adult male 51 years old with ADHD I thought at last I have an explanation for what I have been going through and inflicting on others. I dutifully took medication that turned me into a zombie but I found that work wise I was not doing well at all and stopped the meds. My behaviour in terms of frustration and anger had changed and I was less partial to meltdown with the meds.
Hi everybody...
I am new to this forum.... but am bang in the middle of yet another crisis... so here goes.
I have been with my ADHD husband for nearly fourteen years, and all that time, despite all of the research I've done, despite the fact that I consider myself to be a very strong woman, despite the fact that I am clinically trained to a fairly high level and supposed to know about these things.... I have always managed to convince myself that it was his ADHD that made him behave so badly towards me at times....
I am so grateful to have found this website. Reading about everyone's individual experiences has been incredibly affirming. I know my post is going to be a long one but I am desperate to hear from others in the same situation and to figure out what factors are ADD related and which are just my husband.
Hi Everyone,
I stumbled on this site as I was looking for information about emotional abuse in marriages. My husband has mentioned that he thinks he could have add, but when we talk about it, he feels like he's being blamed for the problems in our marriage.
My husband and I have been married for 15 months. He is a wonderful, kind, caring man. He is just so forgetful and disorganized. I have to tell him what to do constantly. He cannot for the life of him, straighten, clean, or help around the house without guidance. I did not know all this about him when I married him. Everyone should live with a person for a little while before they marry them and then there wouldn't be this problem. He has been driving me crazy the whole time we have been married. He forgets whole conversations that we have had. He is the most disorganized person I