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My 10-yr. old son asked me to leave his father!

My husband was diagnosed with ADD a little over three years ago after 11 years of marriage.  His diagnosis and treatment came about not because he thought he had any problems but because I finally kicked him out of the house and changed the locks...due to his agressive behavior and verbal abuse, which both my sons witnessed from the time they were born.  After my husband was diagnosed by our therapist and put on Adderall, he began to at least try really hard to be a good partner and he is usually a really good father.  He is not always aware of the things he says and at night (when his meds

I have left my wife

Aftre a year of marriage I have left my wife of one year. I have known her 3 years.  She tried once to take meds but it didn't do much for her.  She has occasionally used cocaine over the years and self medicated.  Now she has moved up to Crystal Meth and I just can't take it anymore.  I have always been known in my family as a patient, cool mellow guy whoi can roll with the punches.  This woman reduced me to a raving screaming maniac.  I hate her to be on such an addictive drug.  I understand it works for her.

Oh help me, this is just getting to be too much

Let me start off by saying, does anyone feel their ADHD spouse isn't truly "married" to them?  To my husband, it's like, we're legally married, but he does what he wants to do and doesn't regard the fact that we're a team, we're "one".  He makes decisions without discussing it with me first, he doesn't even think he needs to.  Well now we've got a whopper.  His father passed away last week and his family is already having all this talk about where their mother will live (she's in ok health but has epilepsy and can't live alone).  There's 5 kids in the family.  Two of them are daughters who

Game Plan

Can anyone offer me advice on how I can leave my relationship with my ADHD husband?  It's gets worse by the day.  He has and is destroying me and my life.  He says he can't help himself and I cry everyday because I'm being abused.  We're not even married a year and its getting worse to the point I have suicidal thoughts. 

Graduate school?

As I've posted before, I work and go to school. It's not graduate school but it is pretty demanding. I started during a period of prolonged unemployment for my husband, figuring that if I had to support him for the rest of my life, I needed a better job.

Well, eventually after about 6 months of ADD meds, he got a job. Now he realizes that to advance in his profession, he needs a graduate degree.


I am in so much emotional turmoil at this point in my life. I am engaged to be married to a man who while convinced he has AADD he is unwilling to accept or understand my frustrations and feelings on this. He has told me on multiple occassions that I am the one with issues. I feel like I am losing my mind, Its like I am always walking on egg shells until eventually I erupt in a fit of anger. I don't know what to do? I love him with all my heart but truly feel like I need to find a solution to this issue or leave. Does it get bettter, how do I handle this situation?
