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Husband is endangering his own life (by speaking his mind)

Seriously. I nearly kicked him out of the house a month or so ago. It would only have been for the night. But I was incredibly enraged by his attitude. Don't know why I didn't vent on here. I was probably too busy trying to breathe through the rage.

He's not working. I am working part-time, keeping up a blog (which I am hoping to grow into an alternate source of income one day), and have health problems. I've also been taking on some mystery shops to help get us out of the house affordably. Because he gets so frustrated not doing anything.

Alone with ADHD


I'm 39 years old and recently been diagnosed with ADHD.  I learned about my special brain in a very unfortunate way.  My husband of only three months at the time said he was going to divorce me during an intense argument and left the next day never to return.  We had a 3 1/2 year good relationship prior to the marriage.  He could no longer deal with my behavior and how it had taken it's toll on him emotionally.  I did not know what was wrong.  He did not know what was wrong.  I did know that the stress of buying a house, planning a wedding, a job transition, and learning to live together, w

Just need to vent/get support

My husband and I just had a huge argument. He's left to blow off some steam and I'm sitting here getting ready for bed and crying. Here's the backstory:

We're coming up on our second wedding anniversary, fourth "being together" anniversary. As I'm learning about ADD, it's becoming a lot easier to talk to him and find solutions for various problems. It's trial and error but it's going pretty well overall.

Negotiating Differnces in Organizational Styles


My wife has done a great job in learning how to stay organized.  She works very hard at it and puts a lot of time into maintaining to do lists and calendars.  I can't imagine how disorganizaed she would be, and how chaotic things would be, if she didn't work so hard at this.  And for all her work, I am very grateful!

Emotional selfishness in ADDers? I know they don't mean it, but . . .

I'm going through something that is emotionally devastating to me right now, but that is even worse for my (separated) husband. It involves one of his family members. I don't want to go into too many details, as I believe he may be reading this list from time to time, and I don't want him to know that "BreadBaker" = "my wife."

Let's say that, on a scale of 1 to 10, he's going through something that is a 9. I am going through the same issue, and it's an 8.5. Either way, we're talking about something that is extremely painful, and makes life extremely difficult to navigate.

Help for a nonADD spouse -- Can an ADDer truly love?

I've been dating my GF for 6 months now, and she is self proclaimed ADD (No treatment, but willing).  We are very much in love, and so far I am willing to help her and us cope.  I have picked up some slack on chores, and been more proactive with helping her remember details (meetings, appointments, etc...) to try to take some of the "load" off of her and relieve some stress.  I will admit, part of the reason I want to take away some of the stress is so that she can relax long enough to focus on us.  And that is where the problem lies.

I have got to set the record straight here!

Hello to everyone out there.  I am sitting at my computer, awake because I can't force myself to sleep. I have been crying for the last hour, although it feels like the last decade..and we've only been together six years.  I am crying because despite the ADHD diagnosis, and the fact that one of our children has ADHD, my husband refuses to take any initiative to learn about the disorder that is destroying our lives. In fact, even when I "spoon feed" him the information, he gets angry about me "downloading on him".
