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Adult ADD ends 21 yr marriage with non ADD-trying to understand all the connections-please help!!

My 21 yr marriage with my add husband is ending in divorce and involves some very weird behavior and components.  I am just trying to understand it all and put it all together, because frankly no matter how much I do research, think logically for months, or ask for advice, I am still completely in shock, and feel like the man I knew no longer exists.  I just wanted to ask if anyone thinks this behavior could be ADD related or just another guy in mid-life crises.

I want to help my ADHD wife

I am in a very bad situation and am desperately looking for some insight. I once again searched the Internet to try to find some peace of mind and reassurance that my wife does not hate me and I am not crazy. Reading posts and blogs from people in similar situations helps me realize that the anger, hardships and abuse I suffer at the hand of my ADHD wife is not malicious, thus helping me cope.  

Surgery and ADD

My partner has ADD and depression/anxiety.  She's having major surgery next week.  When she had minor surgery a few months ago her depression seemed to heighten for a few weeks.  I'm concerned it will be worse this time around because she will be under more anesthesia for a longer period of time.  Has anyone else noticed this when their partner has surgery?  Does anyone have any ideas about how to minimize an uptick in post-surgical ADD/depression symptoms?  Thank you.

Suggestions appreciated for dealing with a reoccurring problem

Well my husband and I have had what feels like the same conversation...accelerating to arguments frequently...that we've had numerous times over our married life.  He HATES to discuss finances & hates to do some of the paperwork for our business.

Admin question


I notice that I can't read some posts. If you go down "recent posts" you will see several posts that when you click on them, you go to the top of Dan's post ("Find a virtual slapper...), but it doesn't take you to the post itself, just to Dan's original post. Then you can't find the new post because, since you've already opened that page, it doesn't get that orange "New" on it any more. George, can you fix that somehow? I have no idea how these things work. BTW, it only seems to happen if I am trying to read something in Dan's thread.

Please Help! Need a Referral and Advice!!

I received an ADD diagnosis three years ago while being evaluated for an ADD study. I saw an advertisement for the study and decided to sign up because so many of the ADD symptoms seemed to apply to me. The study was a double-blind study using Concerta as a medication. I seemed to get some benefit from the Concert ( I found out later that I was indeed on actual Concerta, not the placebo ). Anyway, to make a long story short, I had to leave the study before its conclusion because of my work. Since that time I have not been on any medication for my ADD.

My partner needs assessing


I am on a 1 week break from my partner because of his odd behaviour. I told him he is chaos and I need to remove myself from the mix so that he can sort himself out, and that he is draining me of all my spirit and will to live.  During this week one of my male friends who has an ADD son emailed me asking whether my partner had got Adult ADD.  I looked it up on the internet and I have been crying for the last 3 days.  My partner has so many traits its not funny.

How do I tell my partner I think he has ADD?

I am on a 1 week break from my partner because of his odd behaviour. I told him he is chaos and I need to remove myself from the mix so that he can sort himself out, and that he is draining me of all my spirit and will to live.  During this week one of my male friends who has an ADD son emailed me asking whether my partner had got Adult ADD.  I looked it up on the internet and I have been crying for the last 3 days.  My partner has so many traits its not funny.

Fragile ego & criticism

I know a few people have mentioned their partner's inability to take criticism. My husband is the first person who I ever actually saw embody the phrase "and his face fell." What caused it? His mom was talking to him. He came in to show her something. I think it was something funny he found about his socks or something weird. Utterly not of consequence. He told her not to interrupt because she was in the middle of talking to me. She'd be done in a second and then he could talk.
