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The Subject of Change

While my wife is working to change some of her behaviors, she has also said to me a few times in the last couple of weeks that she it is wrong for me to want/expect her to change.  That I should just love her as the person she is, and that we should focus on the positive, spend time together doing fun things, etc.  I agree that we should focus on the positive and doing fun things, AND that we need to work to make some changes - both of us.  She is having a hard time, I think, becuase most, if not all, of the changes we are working on center around her ADHD-related behaviors and my response

Message to Melissa Orlov

Dear Mrs Orlov.

I am the husband (although forced into a separation now) of a lady who has recently been diagnosed through up to date, scientific tests.   However she has invalidated these results soon afterwards and that upset me greatly.   She now wants to be retested through her own Psychologist.   All the information I've come across this far on severe ADD (in writen and video format) show that if there is only "patient / Psychologist" intereaction, there is no one else there to really monitor what is said or isn't said to the Psychiatrist.   My question to you is as follows:

How do you get your spouse to realize / accept that their ADD/ADHD is a big part of the problems in the marriage?

I would love to get some success stories of how any of you have successfully helped your spouse realize / accept that their ADD is a big part of the problems in the marriage.  My husband blames our marital problems on me - he says I am an angry, abusive person and that if I don't get help and change it will be the ruin of our marriage.

How Do You HANG ON?

My husband has ADD, takes multiple meds, sees a doctor twice a month ( for free.. Husband gave him stock in the company!)

He has been on meds for 10 years or so and seeing the therapist that long.  I see NO big changes.

We have no money for me to go to a therapist.

Husband is self employed and always on the verge of making it big.

I'm waiting. He has done well in the past but not in the last 3 years, plus we lost everything when the market crashed two years ago.

We've been married 34 years and have two grown married children.

New marriage being ripped apart by ADD

I got married last year to a lovely man. At the time I knew this man had organizational problems and was a bit scattered but I had no idea to what extent. I have been lurking around the forums and blog all week and I am seeing the same patterns in my relationship that I am reading here. The most glaring issues being chore distribution and his apparent subconsious need to bankrupt us.

What is Marriage counseling ?



Marriage counseling is a form of psychotherapy given to married couples to resolve marital problems. Most problems can be solved with a short counseling session. Sometimes a prolonged therapy is required in which the husband and wife meet the counselor individually and collectively several times. These sessions also help you improve your relationship with spouse by straightening behavioral problems and correcting emotional and mental disorders.
