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Planning to Divorce - Tips?

I am planning to divorce my ADHD husband. It's been a long time coming. One of the reasons I did not do this sooner is that I fear that he won't do what he's supposed to do when it comes to gathering paperwork, responding to summons, getting his stuff out, etc. I don't want this to drag on and on and on. I also fear going completely broke but my parents are offering to help me which makes me feel a bit better.

To either Dr. Hallowell or Mrs Orlov...Coping mechanisms...

Good day Doctors.

I'm the non ADDer in this relationship.  I've searched this website and forum and other places to learn "coping mechanisms", but to no avail.   I really need to hear back with real and effective ways of coping, to help prevent flashpoints.

I had found a website that explains the seven most common flashpoints for spouses of ADDers.   It is located at this website:

Non Vervbal Communication

In a recent "Marriage Tip" email Melissa sent, she warns "If you are in one of those relationships where eye-rolling and other non-verbal dismissal cues are used, watch out!"  My wife sent me an email after reading it that said - "I think Melissa was directing this at the person with ADD, because if the person without ADD used non-verbal cues, the person with ADD wouldn't even notice it."

Convinced Husband has ADHD - no clinical diagnosis yet

I have read so many posts here over the past couple of days and so many of them could have been written by me that's it's scary and at the same time a big relief just to have a possible answer to these multiple problems.

We have been married for nine years, we have an eight year old daughter and five year old son together, I have a 17 year old son from my first marriage and my husband has a 16 year old son from his first marriage. All children live with us. I'm 35 and my husband is 43.

Great Videos on Men's and Women's Brains

Works also for ADDers I think ...


The difference between the male and female brain:


How to get your hubby to do what you want:


Ask more than once:


Judging the intentions of his heart

Considering a point brought up yesterday

Yesterday I was working on disaster relief for flooding in a nearby city with my ADD husband and a good friend who I'm sure is at least ADD but I believe has AD/HD.  If I remember correctly we had a discussion (he and his wife and I and my husband) about ADD a couple years ago when my husband was diagnosed.

We were laughingly discussing division of labor at home and how when everyone in the house is busy, it is hard to get everything done esp when you have a mate that literally doesn't see things that need to be done right in front of him.
