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my experience w/ non-hierarchical thinking


I was inspired by Miss B to share this "aha" I had the first time I read that people with "executive functions" problems (I have both ADD and bipolar) don't have the ability to think in hierarchies.

When I am talking with my DH, especially when he asks me a question, I have often said "what layer of the cake are you talking about?"  What I realized was that while I can see all of the possible answers/meanings/ramifications of his question, I have no clue as to which is the most appropriate one.  It is very frustration to both of us.

Vicious Circle

I am brand new here - I have been married for 18 years - I love my wife - we have 2 wonderful kids but it is very very hard on me, at times, because of my wife and her "conditions". She had been professionally diagnosed as having a General Anxiety Disorder and recently her therapist brought up that she has many ADHD habits as well. I read the NY Times article about this subject and was fascinated by it because there were about SEVEN things in the article that were dead-on for me.

So confused.... trying to deal

My husband has known hes ADHD for a long time he is 25 now, we struggle regularly with this. The way he treats me and doesn't realize it, nor understands why im upset. Recently I found that my husband was talking to a girl online from a game he played quite frequently. We've had issues with the game because it took all his focus but I never imagined that he'd reach out to a female on there. At first, it was that I found naked pics of her on there, and he lied saying he didn't know it was her. Then I found out that it was a girl he ran with in his guild.

I need time to think when I'm upset.

So, my bona fides, my self justification for writing here.  You can skip this whole paragraph basically.  I have ADHD.  I was diagnosed when I was 35.  I'm 36 now.  I take my meds.  I try to listen better.  I really try to communicate.  I try to focus on medium range life, not put blinders on and get lost in the immediacy of the now, or the la la land of the "whatever ionosphere" I can go to so easily (e.g.

Other peoples judgements about ADHD relationships

I love my ADHD partner very much. He is a caring, loving, intelligent energetic person, but has not figured out his own role and position in life yet. With my patience and help he is getting more insights and he even has gained a little self reflection! He is happy that I helped him reach this and he has changed greatly. He had to get over his own stubbornness (took him years) and it took him years to see his own personality in nuances. At some points he fails in seeing the good things in his own character, but it has been the case the other way around too.

Desperate - HELP

I've been on this forum for years trying to find answers to help my ADHD husband and our marriage.  I sit here with my eyes swollen in tears, my heart and mind battered beyond repair.  All I want is peace and answers to why I had to go thru all this pain and suffering for in the end nothing to change and for me to be an emotional wreck when I was a happy, healthy stable beautiful girl? 

Does anyone know what it feels like when your husband is addicted to porn and interaction with transvestites and escorts (when he has a supermodel joan of arc for a wife)?

The million dollar question...

OK.  So I've spent a lot of time since my girlfriend and I split up just taking time to reconnect with Scott to see where I'm at and define what goals I want to set for myself in the coming months.

I've spent a great deal of time interacting with people on forums like this and I've been writing about some of my experiences online as a way of understanding what really happened in my relationship.  I've taken a close look at the relationship, asked myself some pretty tough questions, and have come up with some very honest answers.
