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Complications with spouse and MIL with ADHD

My situation is complicated. Not only am I dealing with an ADHD spouse (diagnosed as a child) and I think we deal with that fairly well, although there is room for improvement, but I am also dealing with an undiagnosed mother-in-law. Sometimes I feel like more of the problems in our marriage surface due to her than anything else. The biggest issue is that she has no boundaries …..

ADHD or Bipolar??? HELP!

My husband was diagnosed with ADHD about 2 years ago, he is 39. He has every symptom of it, but cannot seem to find the right meds plus counseling. Our marriage really takes a hit from it, but I have been reading the new book and it really helps- it is our exact marraige! He was very happy today because he had an appt with a great ADHD psychiatrist, but when he got there they said the psych was backed up and he saw a nurse practiioner that hasnt even graduated yet!

New and in need of help

I'm new to this forum.  Just found it today and am relieved that I might be able to find some help and answers for my family.  I am married with two kids.  My husband has ADD.  In addition I have a almost 7 year old son with high functioning Autism and a 7 year old daughter with Sensory Issues although she manages well now.  My husband travels 20 days a month and honestly life is much easier when he is gone.  Truth be told I'm crying typing all of this.  I feel like between his ADD and my sons Autism I am a losing my mind.  I have to manage everyone and in the end there is nothing left fo

Where to draw the line?

My husband and I have been separated for 5 months.  There were a few reasons for the separation (which I will briefly mention later) but since the separation I've tried to move on with my life.  My husband pushed me away through his actions and words.  My question to other married couples dealing with an ADHD spouse is:

1) am I abandoning my husband or not trying hard enough if I move on?
