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Help I have ADHD and I can't grocery shop

Hi I need help and ideas how to grocery shop. I am newly married and moved to a different part of town and am very unfamiliar with the new surroundings. When I try to go to the grocery store I get extremely overwhelmed and end up getting just a few things and leaving. I never finish shopping, there are too many choices and too many flavors etc. of stuff that i can't decide and just never try anything new. I have tried to explain to my husband that I would love it if he could come with me, but he doesn't understand why this task is sooo difficult for me.

she said i need time ?


New here, after a minor argument I became defensive and left her apartment. my girlfriend of three years would not return my texts pr phone calls. Finally she texted me back and said she needs more time. We both have ADHD. I tried to make amends during phone message by taking responsibility for my actions. I'm going crazy trying to figure out what she means by this. I know none of you are in her head but maybe someone has been there. Any help would be appreciated. it has been about 12 days now. Fyi I'm 42 and she is 40....

why does anyone have too?


I've read many forums on here and so many questions of why the non ADHD person has to change their lives to be happy in a marriage that clearly only one person is responsible for working or not working, so it seems to me!  I've worked on me and doing things for me and all he does is take that opportunity while I try to live a life that makes me happy doing things I would do being the social person I am.  Do you know what I get out of it?  I get even more lonely!  If I start going and doing things I want to do he doesn't mind because he would get to spend countless hours in the garage doin

Terribly frightened

I'm the wife and I'm the one with ADHD. I was officially diagnosed two weeks ago and am on day two with meds and I can definitely feel a big difference. So that's great. I hope it continues to be that way. But. It might just be too late. It's just so cruel and unfair to everyone involved. I am willing to do anything to fix things. Anything. Which of course my husband has heard many times before and so naturally even though he knows this time actually is different, he is highly skeptical and fearful. He has simply shut me out on an emotional level.

The breaking point has begun

I am tired, mad, sad, angry and frustrated! I have put up with ridiculous behavior from my ADHD husband for far too long.  My children can even recognize the unreasonable behavior their father displays, and they are 9 and 6.  How can a 9 and 6 year old have better sense, reason and logic than their father?  These kids are also better at loving, caring for and being nice to others than their father.

Trying Not to Find ADHD in Everyone


I have been a member of this website for a while now and continue to visit regularly even though I am no longer with my ADHD partner. The main reason I continue to come here is because I believe this is a supportive community full of strong, strong people who work so hard everyday to make the sometimes impossible, possible. I come here because you all provide me with a certain comfort and understanding that is hard for others to grasp that have not dealt with the relationship issues we have.
