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What is the correct test to determine ADHD in adults?

Hi everyone,

My husband went and found a testing center that took our insurance without getting any recommendations from any professionals that we trust, and we just got the results today.  The test they gave him to determine ADHD was the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV).  Is this the test that is common in testing for ADHD?  I've spoken to a couple of people who don't seem to think it is, yet this "professional" said that based on the results there is no way that my husband has ADHD. 

I don't want to be this person.

I don't want to cause my partner so much anxiety, and anguish, and pain. We've been together for two years, living together for over a year, and now I worry that all these posts are how he really feels and isn't telling me. It makes me feel worthless. I am a successful (read: working) actress, I pay my bills on time, I don't get fired -- ever, I like to think I'm pretty emotionally well-adjusted (openhearted, with a distinct slant towards compassion), and I don't think I have that hyper-focus thing (if anything, I feel like he is the one pulling away after two years), but...

Finally realized that wife has ADHD; What do we do now?

My wife and I have been married 22 years and have two daughters, 15 and 10.  Over the last couple of years our youngest has been diagnosed with ADHD.  As she was growing up I'd often say "You are just like your mother."  Little did I know what the implications of that statement meant.  Over the years of our marriage my wife, and others, have joked that she was ADD/ADHD, that I needed to control her spending, etc..  Now that she has been diagnosed I realize how much of a toll it has taken on our marriage.  I've felt alone and like roommates for years but have chalked it up to just being ma

The Creative and Hilarious Side of ADHD



I recently came across a blog written by a young woman with ADHD...and it is hilarious!! For those of us with the knowledge of how ADHDers can perceive things, well this is a way to get inside of their brain and just laugh.

This woman is extremely creative in her humor and if it were for ADHD, I don't think she could generate the same results....enjoy!!

WORKPLACE DISCRIMINATION? (Employment issues due to ADHD? Wrongful termination, constructive dismissal?


Just wondering if anyone has had any experience with legal proceedings pertaining to wrongful dismissal or constructive dismissal based on termination or discipline which have their origin in employer discrimination pertaining to adhd employee behaviour? Any feedback or info about legal precedents would be greatly appreciated. I am aware of Human Rights Actions against employers for this reason, but was wondering about case law or common law suits. If you know any lawyers with adhd, I would LOVE to hear about them!!!


Can positive changes occur (and last) WITHOUT medication?

Hello everyone,

We go tomorrow to get the final verdict on my husband's ADHD test.  I am convinced he has it, but now we'll see what the "professional" has to say.  Regardless of the outcome, my husband has made it clear (actually gotten quite nasty about it) that he WILL NOT...NO WAY, NO HOW...EVER take medication for it. 

Support groups/forums for the adhd perspective?

Hi, I am new here and was wondering if anyone knows of any forums, or websites that have similar threads as this one, but with any kind of positive content from/for the adhd person's side. For example, the majority of these forums and site content seems to me to be about how horrible it is to have to suffer through any kind of contact with an adhd person, and how abusive, angry, incompetent, selfish, childish etc. we are. I certainly would never deny that many of us very often are, but so are the spouses/partners, and not always because of us.

When husband is in denial

As a healthcare professional, I know my husband had ADHD, but he does not want to get additional testing or treatment.  How does a non-ADHD spouse deal with that?  Please do not comment about getting him into treatment or past denial.  He has made that very clear.  I only want to know how non-ADHD spouse copes without ADHD spouse getting the official diagnosis and treatment.
