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Need ways to control nons frustration

Ok so I am the non, my husband is the adhder. We have had are ups and downs in our marriage just like most adhd relationships. I love my adhder very much! He has many good qualities as a person, husband, and father. I have been trying to learn about adhd because I want to keep my marriage, I know the way I deal with his adhd affects our relationship as much as the adhd. I am trying to look past all of your old crap and start looking and treating our marriage in a new way. I have always know he had adhd however I never took the time to learn about it until recently.

Should I kick him out of my life for good ???

In a nutshell, ADHD Boyfriend and I had a whirlwind/hyperfocused romance for 1 mth, and are in a long-distance relationship for 6-7 mths. We work for the same company ; he works offshore. We live in different countries, so when he gets his month off from work, he goes back to the US. He doesn't call, till he gets back.

Can a person with ADD control violent outbursts?

I've been with my partner for 2 years. We have been planning a wedding for about 6 months.  She is a very caring, loving and funny person.  But she gets so unpredictable and unreliable that i get nervous about her stability with work.  She has had more jobs in the two years I've been with her than I've had my entire life.  She has been upfront with me and has told me that she has ADHD, Depression and PTSD. But to tell you the truth i didn't know what that ment.  As quickly as she can be happy and romantic, she can turn and be the most evil mouthed intimidating person you could ever meet.

Please tell me there is hope for us!!! Can two ADD people work in a relationship? Can an ADD relationship do a 180%?

Good Morning,

I posted this a couple of days ago (I am new here) and got some good advice from Sherri. I am re-posting as I feel my long post may have been overwhelming and because, after reading a lot of other posts, I want to make sure my post doesn't come off as ADD bashing. Here goes:


Right now I am at my wits end. I love the person I am with but am not convinced the state of our relationship is healthy. He is a great guy (loving, kind, supportive and always ready to sacrifice).

Counselor says I should leave him

     We have been lucky enough to find a counselor who will see us on Saturdays (but she's not there every Saturday). We had a session yesterday where we talked about some of his ADHD characteristics  that drive me crazy. One of them is that I feel like he does not value my life because he chose not to work for nearly 3 years and I had to go without necessary medical care. Another is one everyone involved with someone with ADHD is familiar with-not keeping their word.

Frustrated with poor time management

My husband was recently diagnosed with ADD.  He started on medication about 3 weeks ago.  We have both been doing quite a bit of reading and have recently been trying some tips provided in one of the books to keep him on task.  Last night he created a card catalog with chores and stuff that needs to be done around the house.  Today he had set three cards aside to complete.  Cat box, dog poop and sweep the kitchen.  He got up at 0700 this morning.  When I got home from work at 3pm he was just starting the floors.  He stated to me that he liked having the cards but he is still having troubl


Please forgive me for pointing you out directly, I hope you do not mind. You said something in response to someone else that I felt really compelled to ask you about. You said that the first 10 years of your marriage were great and then something just changed...and admitted that the change came from within you. I first have to say that I have a lot of respect for you to be able to admit that. I am praying for you that your wife will someday see these 'small' admissions as the HUGE milestones that they are.

really tired out and depressed

my girlfriend asked me to read up on some of the things on here in the hope of this shedding some light on my problems (ADD) i must say what i have read some of posts people actually seem to care about people with ADD but on the most part you really hate us reading through quite a few different posts we really get a whipping my problem is this i've got ADD and i feel useless im made to feel useless most of my life i had a shit upbringing 3 out 4 siblings had ADD my mum was an alcoholic my father although my real not blood father was good but used to sit me down and give lectures for hours
