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New here, glad to get this glimmer of hope


Hi everyone,

I found this site about a week ago.  I've been sitting at the computer wih tears running down my face ever since.  Just about EVERYTHING I've read here is true about my marriage. 

DH was previously diagnosed with ADD and treated with medication only.  He claims he diagnosed himself and described the symptoms to the psychiatrist in order to get diagnosed.  He took Adderall and while it did help his attention, he wasn't very nice.

Extended family and other relationships


As if it isn't hard enough just to deal with our marriage and my own self, bring in the extended family, friends(yours and his), and it's a time bomb. I wish I had two brains, one I could put on a charger and one I could use in the meantime.

The fallout of the ADHD spouse's behavior and issues created can extend to friends and extended family. Over the years I've retreated into a shell, almost a hermit. We have little contact with extended family. We can't handle their dramas and ours and vice versa. It can be such a lonely existence.

I'm married; I have ADHD; I feel very alone

I am 47 and it has only been about 15 months since I was diagnosed with ADHD, but, and I am not trying to bad-mouth my husband here, I feel so very alone all the time because he is not emotionally capable of supporting me.  He grew up in a family where there was not much display of affection from his father and his mother is not all that warm 'n fuzzy either.  They also didn't talk about feelings much and there was a stigma about mental health issues.  Before my diagnosis, we tried marriage counseling on 3 separate occasions.  After the last one, I found out the reason why nothing was wor

Honey do list method that is working for us.


As a pro organizer, I have tried and purchased just about every kind of planner, listmaker, PDA etc. I have learned even for us "normals" it really has to fit your way of doing and thinking and you HAVE to use it consistently. It takes a lot of trial and error to find one that you will use and love.

Flylady is great source of help for those NOT born organized

Hi - I am not born organized. My husband is the ADDer and really unorganized. That said we still have problems with the household,

HOWEVER I found the and she is so encouraging and inspiring and the forum is really supportive . First I found the book in Borders called 'Sink Reflections', then discovered the website. She sets up routines to keep the house in working order.

She write lists!

She works for 15 minutes spurts (most of the time.)

I think my husband may have ADHD, or am I overreacting?

Hi, I have just discovered this website and I feel as though a lightbulb has gone on in my head. My husband and I have been together for 8 years, married for 1 with two children aged 4 and 3 years old. Our 4 year old has always displayed signs of ADHD and he is getting progressively worse - this probed me to start researching into the condition. By doing this I have been overwhelmed by all the signs pointing to the fact that my son has probably inherited this from my husband...
