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So is this place mainly a non ADHD spouse peer to peer support group?

It's fine if this is the case, I've personally benefitted massively from peer to peer support with other ADHDers, I know how incredible it can feel to be understood by people who've experienced your struggles, and I don't doubt that anyone married to an ADHD spouse has had more than their fair share of struggles. I ask mainly just for clarity


The Silent Suffers

Emotional abuse may be the least recognizable (by others) form of spousal abuse...Putting it simply, it's the product of a person filling a vowed space in another person's life, w/ little to no concern for the needs of that person...It's total emotionless apathy...It's laziness and indifference toward their God given spousal responsibilities...People who are capable of this level of indifference or usually blindly self centered...When a mind is so dominated by "Me" thinking, that mind will never be fit for a healthy relationship that will always require awareness, and an ability to put, and

Adrenaline nightmare

I have posted here before. And here I am again. On the merry go round. The roller coaster. Actually I am sitting on my toilet too tired to get up and go lie on the bed and type this. Sorry if that is TMI. I have just ended a totally exhausting few days with ADHD H. We live and work together. We are 100% enmeshed. 13 years now. And I do not see any possible way of ending this, or really of changing it. There are moments when it is a little better. Some leveling out.

Casting off fear....

Just a note....For 16 years I've been the person, (bill payer, grocery shopper, reminder, intimacy initiator, lost article search committee, cook, house cleaner, dish washer, abandoned spouse, etc, etc, etc,) I know many of you understand....Well after 16 years I'm done attempting to be two people...I've never felt better...Because I think I know what is going to happen, my fear has kept me trudging along....But, I am tired, and I'm done....I have vowed with in my own heart to just STOP being anything but what God calls husbands to be....We will see what comes back......If nothing comes bac
