Forum topic: When to give up.


This is my first post and thank you for reading!

I am currently married, my husband was first diagnosed with ADHD this year at age 58.  This is my second marriage, his first, we have been married for 10 years, no children together, I have an adult daughter from my first marriage of 22 years.

So that's me. Wife and mother, but somewhere along the line, I lost me, I became a forgotten person because I've realised I've spent my whole adult life trying to make someone else's life the best it can be forgetting all about what my needs are and those needs being ignored through neglect because the person I'm married to can only think of himself and his own needs.

For the 3 years up to his diagnosis I have struggled emotionally to deal with his highly needy and demanding ways, been ignored, put down, constantly interrupted, lied to, I've had my private conversations relayed to anyone else he chooses, confidences blurted out, subjected to embarrassment because of how he treats people, been subjected to him rowing with staff in hotels and restaurants we've ever visited, demoralised, undervalued.  

I'm constantly tidying and clearing away his chaos and treated like a doormat.  He is like a vacuum sucking and draining the life out of me.  

I have struggled financially to make an income for myself because I have moved to live in his part of the country, despite him being very wealthy he has never supported me and has always expected me to provide for myself.  His levels of miserliness are astounding, I feel he has serious issues around money and needing to retain total control of it and every asset he has, including the home we share together.  He buys himself very expensive cars and then refuses to use them because he doesn't want to spoil them and yet will buy out of date products in groceries in supermarkets discount sections.   

I sought out help for him with a psychiatrist to get him a diagnosis, found a psychologist for him who has told him that he must change his behaviour, it just got worse.  The diagnosis seemed to give him a green light to behave however he chose and he had a free ticket because of his diagnosis.  I found that the medication has only made him worse, yes he has more motivation, but the levels of arguing went through the roof.  Arguments are of a granular level, anything at all that he can argue about, he will.  Sometimes he argues so much, I can't even work out how it is I'm supposed to do what he expects, it's impossible.  

Although he has had an ADHD diagnosis, I do also believe he has both Narcissitic And Oppositional Personaility Disorders and is certainly sadistic.

Things have been bad for a while, I tried to find a way through by helping him get a diagnosis, but it just hasn't worked.  He has managed to confuse my emotions by gaslighting with great success, he can be vile one moment and forget all that the next to the point of being loving.

As a person I didn't recognise myself any more, I have spent so long trying to help someone who is so draining I basically just became an extension of them and their needs, I completely lost myself and my self respect.  He seemed to get some sort of pleasure from seeing this, seeing me diminished.  It seemed like the only reason I was there was for him in an arrangement where I got very little in return, certainly not a loving respectful relationship or any sort of emotional or financial support beyond living in his house where, since losing my job, he was kind enough to waiver the money I paid him each month for living here.  

I have no control over anything including my own home.  Correction, I had no control, I have regained that now, I have stopped arguing back, I have found new friends away from his circle, I see him little and never talk any more, because I decided I'd had enough, I decided this is actually nothing less than abuse and a tag of ADHD, doesn't change that.  

If someone won't change to save their marriage, they are not worth it.  He has ADHD, I do not believe that he doesn't recognise his behaviour and how vile it is because he doesn't treat his family members in this way, only me.  So he does have levels of control, he does know what's acceptable and what's not, he chooses this way with me.  A tag of ADHD is no excuse.

So now, me is coming back, the kind gracious person who was, I don't here my voice shouting, or hear myself crying or worrying about what people are being told.  I'm done trying to help someone who does t want to be helped and who will never change, and he did it to himself.  




I understand everything  you wrote here. And I want you to know that you are supported and cheered on from all of us. Its imperative you take back control of what you can for YOU. You can't control him or his actions but u can control your thoughts and behaviours and actions and that is where your energy should lie. Well done. It's so tough and it's a tough road. I'm on it too. But im slowly seeing changes in my surroundings now that I've decided to only focus (literally) on myself and what I can control. 

Thank you for your support and you also have the same from all those that know ADHD, narcissism and oppositional personalities.

Yes, you have to take care of yourself because no one else will, before you know it your life has passed you by in a fog of chaos, lies, gaslighting and putting everyone else first. I'm still going through it with ending the marriage, I avoid all engagement where possible, I never know if it's nicey husband or nasty husband, yo-yo moods, to maintain my level mood and emotions and to protect myself from his gaslighting I have to just grey rock him and not enter into any sort of engagement, I message wherever I can, just getting through, spend as much time as possible away from him and out of the house.  He did tell me that he was recording our conversations, then denied this (gaslighting) so that's fine, we just won't have conversations any more.  I don't let him know any details of my life or what activities I'm doing and I certainly do not let him in emotionally to pick away at what he sees as my perceived weaknesses to then play on those.  From me it's just yes, no, ok.  Once the financials are sorted out I can leave, I'm hoping it won't be too long.  He did promise to do things quickly but so far, a process that should have taken 3 or 4 weeks is at 4 MONTHS - so I guess that was all a lie too.  I listen to the excuses but they're not excuses at all, just delaying tactics, I'm not sure why.  I am resolute though and grow stronger each day looking forward to a peaceful, reliable future with no chaos or gaslighting where the only person I have to consider, involve in decisions and keep happy is myself.  

I found a women who hadn't ever been married (age 46) after my first wife passed away...And you found a husband who hadn't ever been married at age 48 sounds like.....Everything you have written here was my life for 5 plus years...Until I too, got serious w/ boundaries, and learning to be me again...Boundaries force accountability...She is a different person after me sticking to my boundaries the past several years...I still just shake my head at some of the behaviors, the self absorbed mind and selfishness is uncanny!....

So I hear you!...Good for you for taking your life back....There are plenty of us who love a spouse we don't trust as for a we can throw them....It's just life with this kind mind type....

Non-participation is the greatest tool for limiting dysfunction, conflict and bringing awareness....

Bless you!


Thanks C, I do agree about removing yourself.  The main problem is that I've removed and distanced myself from so much, it's not a marriage any more.  Even with money, my husband brought more to the marriage financially which means I'm living in an house owned by him where I still don't really even know what he's doing with it or what would happen to me if anything happened to him, his often very poor decision making leaves me vulnerable and there's not a thing I can do about it.  Overall, if I strip away all of the things I can't do with him - have a loving mutually respectful marriage, go in a car with him, go to restaurants and hotels without fear of arguments with staff, go out with friends (especially my friends) without his need to pick at them, same with his family (I have no family now), blurting out the most horrible, hurtful things that can never be retracted (he said his only recollection of our wedding day was that he was traumatised), he is secretive and will not share financial information (I discovered 2 mortgages on our home but many millions in investments and I've yet to be told the full extent of his financial position as he is still withholding information), I can't even work out when I should be plugging in my car to charge off our electricity as he needs to absolutely control when power is used in the house for his PV panels which means my car would never be charged for me to use.  He moans and watches money constantly when he is the wealthiest person I know, but can spend whatever he wants without question and with my full support - including a Porsche that he now won't use because he doesn't want it to get spoiled.  But it is the arguments that I cannot avoid, they eat away more than anything else, like picking at a scab, anything and everything, constant, I commented in another post that it can be about something as petty as me using 1 inch in a cupboard space, petty, irrational, arguments about granular things especially around money when I now know he is a multimillionaire.  It is just hopeless, as I say, there is so much removal that the relationship simply does not function or exist any more and I now believe, looking back, it never really did as a romantic relationship, it was all highly transactional, it was all about what I could do for him (I have a professional background and good business knowledge) and what he might do for me in return, but I always had to do something for him first, it was never anything romantic such as gift giving (I never even got an engagement ring), I'm never thought of for birthdays, Christmas, anniversaries, even my 50th birthday he did absolutely nothing, (in the end, I organised something for myself 2 weeks beforehand when he admitted he'd not bothered to do a single thing), he always says sorry, but before I met him he had no problems organising his own 40th with multiple guests paid to go on an all paid trip by plane to a destination - all paid by him.  So I simply do not believe "sorry" or that he's incapable, he clearly is, just not when he has to consider others.  

This sounds like a lot more than ADHD, honestly. If you can find a way to get good, supportive therapy for yourself, I think that would help a lot.

I also think there's a lot more to it.  I believe Narcissistic and Oppositional Personality Disorders and possibly other psychosis or Bi Polar.  I did consider asking him to have a residential stay in a hospital for a complete diagnosis for himself, for me it's too late, I know he wouldn't do it now.  I feel his treatment has been so cruel at times and his behaviour so underhand, I don't trust him any more and I'm not even sure that the relationship was what I thought it was in the first place.  He is highly transactional, he won't do anything for me or most people unless he gets something in return, I know that is the trait of a narcissist.  He comes from an highly religious background, taken to cultish levels, he isn't at all religious and so has always been shunned by his family, including mother and father.  It's very sad because I do think being treated like this has affected him more than he realises, but then equally, he will acknowledge one moment that his family behave in an highly dysfunctional way towards him and then the next moment deny anything was wrong with his upbringing so it was very hard to know how to support him and I never really wanted a connection with his family after around 8 years because I couldn't deal with their treatment of both of us.  He lives 30 minutes away from his parents, they have visited him less than 5 times in 30 years, and then refused to stay longer than 30 minutes, all very destructive, nothing overt, just subtle disapproval, must get to you eventually.  I think it made him feel he never really belonged or that his views had any value, all very sad.  He can be the nicest person and then flips into a vile, antagonistic, argumentative monster, it's too much to live with so I've given up. 

Hi, I sound a bit like your husband, though I am undiagnosed, not on any medication and not sadistic. I have just been given this book by my wife who has thrown me out, for the third time. Reading this book, I am devastated at what I have done to her and our marriage, though mostly unknowingly. I feel that maybe she is better if without me and this time it is only fair to let her go, so she has the chance to meet someone and have a better life. Would you of thanked your husband if he had done this for you.