Forum topic: What if it’s both of you?


I've just found this sight and am hoping for a little advice about my relationship. This will be a long post and I apologise for that.

My partner and I have been together for about 10 years. We have three gorgeous children. I love him dearly. He is kind and smart and patient.

We had long suspected that he had some kind of learning difficulty as he had little success at school or university and found it hard to build a career. A few years ago he realised he might have ADHD and while he was researching he also realised I probably did too, although we present very differently.

I received a diagnosis in 2021 and he got his earlier this year.

As I mentioned, we are very different. I run on adrenaline and tend to operate at a million miles an hour. I chose coaching over medication as I felt that right now I'm in a good place and I needed strategies. I have a tendency to push myself too hard and burn out periodically. I work full time, mainly from home, and do the majority of the domestic labour too. 

He hasn't worked for a couple of years and although he does a few regular domestic tasks, spends the vast majority of his time at his computer. I know his biggest ADHD challenges are task initiation and a chronic fear of failure that prohibits him from going for what he wants. He recently tried medication but had a bad reaction and so is untreated.

We are under significant financial pressure, never have enough money and I feel on the verge of tears often. I work so hard just keeping us afloat and try to be supportive of him and a good mum to our kids. I am constantly running right on the edge of my capacity. I am exhausted.

I love him very much and we get on really well. We share common values and he's a wonderful dad. But I am so tired carrying such a disproportionate load in our family. I understand how ADHD makes it so hard for him to be who he wants to be and have the life he wants. I don't want to make out that he is 'lazy' or 'doesn't care'. But the end result feels the same. 

I have my own struggles that are caused by my ADHD and my other diagnoses and if I'm honest I feel resentment that I still have to pick up the hard stuff that requires me to do all the things I actually really struggle with. 

I feel so close to giving up on this and keep fantasising about whether it would just be easier alone. Feeling constantly let down is so demoralising. I want us to work, but I feel hopeless. I don't have the energy to do anymore to help him, and he doesn't seem to be able to do more either.

I don't even know how to bring this to him because I worry he will shut down and see it as proof he is useless or stupid as he was told so often when he was young. He's none of those things. 

How can I save us? Any thoughts so welcome. 

Sending blessings 


I'm sorry to hear how hard it is for you right now. I can imagine the stuck feeling when everyone is doing their best and still, somehow, it isn't enough. That's such a difficult reality to have to face. On an individual level it sounds like your determination and dedication are the main factors in keeping life moving forward for your family - and that's something to be proud of. The resentful feelings sound justifiable, in my opinion. 

Have you tried couple's therapy? Or has he tried therapy on his own? Or maybe trying both? If he spends so much time at the computer, I wonder if he also struggles with depression, or some other issue? I don't imagine that is a very satisfying life... more like a coping mechanism and maybe avoidance.

It sounds like some kind of intervention is needed if you're burning out and he can't hear it without shutting down... he needs to find it in himself to make space for your reality, too. That's really a minimum. 

My partner and I both have ADHD - and we also present very differently. We're just beginning to navigate this and we're also talking about couple's counseling. I already see a therapist on my own, and I don't take any meds (yet). He refuses to see a therapist but uses medication to help with his symptoms. It's hard to know where to start...


Cut yourself some slack....Maybe try to learn to slow down a bit...(breaks, breathe, try to live with him, like you would if he wasn't in the picture).....I have been with my wife who has add for 14 years, and most of the first 5 was a lot like you have described...I actually thought I had to pick up everything that wasn't happening with her...House, bills, anything that needed attention....What makes it so difficult is the attitude you mentioned....Helpless to change, or not showing any interest in being productive....So it caused a lot of conflict...

I think what you have to say needs to be said, but, I think it needs said in front of a counselor, so it can be heard without emotion, or interruptions...It's better to have boundaries in our lives than to just quit...But, I to went through all the emotions and mind battles about what to do....Your husband needs to work (God created men to work and be productive) and the counselor will support you in that....There are so so many jobs that aren't rocket science to perform...Not judging him here, but, that victim attitude of I can't is the attitude of someone wanting a free ride in life....

Praying for you!
