Forum topic: What I love about my ADHD partner

My ADHD partner is a beautiful soul. She is so sweet and gentle and empathetic, and capable of spreading love all around her. When I think of her in my mind I picture her in the woods, caring for all the plants and animals around her. The sun is shining bright and the air smells of citrus. She is a source of light. She is a source of warmth. She brings life and energy with her wherever she goes. When she is gone it is dark, it is quiet, it is cold. She is my healing presence. She teaches me how to unwind, and she makes me feel safe. She allows me to let go of my learned, high-strung behaviors.


As a mother to an amazing daughter with ADHD, I appreciate this post more than you know. Everyday I wonder whether my daughter will find someone who will love her and recognize all the beauty and spirit she brings to the world. You provide me with hope that she will eventually find someone who can focus on her gifts rather than her shortcomings. May you continue to see and appreciate your wife's bright light.

Hi and thanks for sharing that, its so nice to hear something positive when it can be so frustrating.  My husband is the adhd person in our home and Im stuggling with doing exactly what you stated of finding the positives.  For example, I too love how big his heart is, he would do anything for me, he just needs to be reminded or asked since he wont always think of it on his own.  Of all the things hes not, the positives are:  hes not  controlling, not angry, not hurtful, not a drinker,  not any of that so I need to learn to appreciate that more than I have.  Sure hes forgetful and needs reminding BUT ... he loves me.  After 20 years of marriage I dont want to let go, but I admit its hard to not want some more normal in my life.  I need to learn to stop listening to society and comparing our relationship to what I considered normal, this can work for me if I learn to accept him as he is.  Nice to hear there are others that are doing the same