Forum topic: Understanding ADHD when spouse just got diagnosed

My husband just got diagnosed with ADHD and when the doctor called him to tell him the news, he also recommended marriage counseling for us because he noticed stressed between us, but my husband says ADHD is not the reason why we got marriage counseling recommended... We have been arguing too much even before this news but to me this condition is the reason? 


I think if you spend any time reading the blog, the forum posts and associate comments, or Melissa's book, you will find that perhaps your arguments stem from issues resulting from your husband's untreated ADHD.  George

ADHD is likely a big part of it but you don't need him to admit that before counseling. It's better to go in with an open mind so he doesn't feel blamed or threatened from the outset. It is, however, critical that you have a counselor that understands ADHD well. Counseling can make things worse if its the wrong person.  Also, even if adhd is the problem, chances are you will both have behavior to work on. Us nons develop problematic coping skills along the way too. Good luck!