Forum topic: Told him I needed to be held, he rolled over and went to sleep.

We have a dynamic I'm trying to shift. He gets anxious quickly over things, and I can't always predict what does it. Last night we had a debate over astrology, and then we had a snack in bed. Our conversation during the snack was pretty normal. He went to put the food back, and when he returned I had my legs in his way playfully. He moved them without comment. He will be playful with the children but rarely with me even though I've told him how much I appreciate the levity. We had a stressful evening the previous day so I was hoping to create some playfulness, and there was nothing. Then he starts to poke me, but I was feeling rejected, so I say sweetly, no, don't be mean, be sweet. And he just stops all effort to connect nonverbally.

Then I tell him, that I didn't want him to stop completely. He does nothing. I say, okay fine then, and roll over. He begins the pattern of deep sighs. I wait, because I'm tired of escalating conflicts over these issues. He finally tells me that he's scared of me because we had been fighting. Since when??? I explained that I had no idea that he saw our debate as a fight, and would have handled everything else differently if he'd made that clear to me. And I added, that it hurts when I tell him all he needs to do is hold me and he doesn't do it. And he still did nothing. 

I'm making progress.... I refused to fall asleep upset. I'm still refusing to feel negative feelings over so many cycles of abandonment. He likes to go to sleep at odds, and then wake up the next day and apologize. That doesn't work for me.

Typing this out, I can see how he was manipulating me. He knew full well what I wanted and needed, and withheld it for reasons I don't understand. He says he was scared, but you can put your arms around someone when you're scared. I don't get it. But at least I'm not letting this situation control me. When he apologized this morning I said thank you, and also added that I don't feel that I can be emotionally open to him right now, because this has happened so much. I told him I don't really feel anything. And I don't feel safe to be in my heart with him. So it was all rather cold and formal. Which, ideally, he would have hugged me and apologized for doing this to me so many times, where we separate and leave things unfinished or unresolved, and then he comes back later trying to act like nothing happened and doesn't want to talk it through. But that isn't how he wants to play it.

Rather than apologize for the impact of his coping style, he walked away this morning (abandoning me again). He wants to have an anxious withdrawal and see me unmoved, but doesn't understand that if he ever really achieves that, it will be because I'm no longer invested in him emotionally. 

After so many instances of conflict occuring, and then he disappears physically or emotionally, and when I explain in clear and simple terms what could remedy the situation, and he still doesn't do it, what does he expect. 

If anyone can relate, or has any insight into these types of dynamics, I would appreciate any additional clarity. It is my intention to change this pattern. I feel a bit like he withdraws to punish me for having an expectation of affection, or wanting him to respond to me a certain way. It's like a weird power struggle, and I feel like maybe it's because he wants to be taken care of, and doesn't want to take care of me, so any time I'm asking him to be in the caretaking space emotionally, he causes a problem. But it's not fair or right to expect me to caretake all the time. 


""He finally tells me that he's scared of me because we had been fighting. Since when??? I explained that I had no idea that he saw our debate as a fight, and would have handled everything else differently if he'd made that clear to me. ""


Yes.  My H does that.  When I'm with my sibllings and (for instance) we're having a lively but not insulting debate about something minor...maybe about which restaurant has the best Mexican food.  We'll all go back and forth, singing the praises of our favorite places.  "well, XXXX has better entrees."  "well, YYYY has better margaritas."  "well, ZZZZ has better appetizers."   You all know what I mean.  Just playful banter...back and forth...each defending their favorites.  


Well, H will later call that "fighting".  Huh?  No one was fighting.  NO ONE.  No one was upset, or seething or anything.  But, H will still call it "fighting". 


In H's family, they weren't allowed to express their opinions that way.  There was his dad's opinion, and no one else's opinion.  In fact, his dad's motto is:  My way or the highway.   (jerk!)


So, if H and I have a "healthy discussion" about something, for instance, whether we should get a new stove or something, later H will call that an argument.  What argument??

It's interesting, as at times the reverse has happened. But it's really just the issue of waiting until there's been a long amount of time pass with him feeling distressed without me knowing, because he didn't tell me. I usually say in the moment if our interactions are getting to me. He waits until a lot of damage has occurred, and even then may not say anything so I have to guess.

In other news, last night he said something really sweet and validating. We started reading Melissa's first book. I think the part about stakes being high got through to him. So finally after months of saying my needs aren't getting met, he says something really sweet that's on the wavelength for meeting my emotional needs. It made me really sad. It's hard to talk to him now without crying. Because I feel such a deficit for validating and caring words, that to finally hear them, I finally feel safe - maybe!!! - to witness the grief of so long without it.

But he asks what's wrong, and I don't feel like I can be honest, because if I am honest about it, he'll get discouraged and stop acting the way I've needed him to act for so long. I don't like hiding my truth. But my emotional self really needs the behaviors he's showing, so I feel like I have to hide how much pain I'm now feeling since he's finally doing some of what I've needed. What a dilemma. 

Haven't been on this site for a while, since it stirs up more emotions than I can handle.  Not sure if I've made sufficient emotional progress either. I definitely can relate.  Abandonment is a huge trigger for me (realize that it's all related to my upbringing and I'm working on it with a therapist), but he KNOWS that and it doesn't ever seem to make a difference to him.  Like many men, he withdraws during conflict and it makes me feel emotionally abandoned- which is VERY painful to me and something that I cannot express very well.  The few times I have had enough courage to bring it up with him, he responds in a caring way, but it NEVER lasts.  Never lasts. It feels almost like a physical pain to ask him to show me that he wants me and that I'm important.  I feel like I don't deserve it and when I ask, I get it (for a short while); but I always view it as: he doesn't love me enough to remember.  It hurts even more each time I have to ask for him to "remember" me.  I know that I have to work on ME and that I can never change him.  I have hope of changing myself and I've given up all hope of changing him.  That has been a release.  But that stupid, darned "hope" keeps creeping back in that he will maybe be consistent if he loved me enough.  I know he loves me, but it's just not enough to overcome his ADHD.  He's stopped his medications- too many side effects (not that he ever took it at home- only for work).  He says he's made big changes and that I don't appreciate them.  I honestly don't see those "big" changes.  It's still the same cycle. It's frustrating and very sad. His excuse is always "I'm not perfect".  I know.  No one is perfect.  I just don't see him doing actual things to help himself- putting reminders on the calendar or on his phone; to initiate conversations about our relationship (he gets mad when I say he doesn't initiate conversation.  He initiates PLENTY of conversation- about his work, his interests, how much people have liked his articles, how many people have said that his speech was great etc and he does ask me about my school/work- then kind of gets a glazed looked in his eyes or actually falls asleep when I talk about myself).  Unfortunately for me, all roads lead to "rejection/abandonment" in my mind; maybe not in actuality.  He says he never rejects me intentionally.  It's all in the way I perceive things.  OK, I know how to take that after reading so many of the posts.  

You can't control his behavior, his responses.  You can only control yourself and letting that really sink in might save your sanity.  It has nothing to do with you.  You could be the most wonderful, patient, understanding spouse and he will still be controlled by his ADHD.  Whatever you do won't take ADHD away or change it. I mistakenly believed that I could change it for so long. Believing that has made me crazy, depressed and has given me terrible self esteem. Now, it's up to me to change it and not allow it to continue. I can only have expectations of myself and I get to set those rules thankfully. I expect to make myself happy.  He actually said a couple of years ago (I'll never forget it) that if I concentrated on making him happy, I would eventually be happier.  That didn't work.  I know he wished it would.  Maybe I should say that to him.  Just concentrate just on making me happy and eventually, you will be happy too. :)