Forum topic: Thinking about taking the live couples seminar....


But, I don't think I can convince my husband, who doesn't want to admit he has ADD and gets really upset when I say I think this will help us.  I really do think this could be THE solution for us.  I am tired of taking care of everything and don't want to live being mad all the time, my choice, I know.... but I am really feeling so unimportant. 

I want him to join with me in the seminar.  Anyone else having this experience?


I'm So Exhausted's picture

It appears to have helped some couples.

Didn't Edison try close to 1,000 materials for the filament for the light bulb before he found the right one?!  I had such high hopes the couples seminar would work for us.  I have added it to the growing list of things that did not work for us. 

I just can't bring myself to say nothing will work. 

My spouse is in the process of trying to find himself an ADHD coach.   

All the things we have tried as a couple, he has agreed to do as he feels I have lots of issues, so he is willing to go along, by my side, because one of these days I will see the light and realize all our marriage problems stem from me.

He did not read Melissa's book, nor listen to the audio-book version he requested.  He did not do the homework.  He hears things differently than I do, so even there we get stuck.  Recently he told me he didn't listen to the audio-book - because I never copied it onto cds for him.  My fault.  NOT!

I am one stubborn lady.  Here is where I have arrived in my life - my heels are dug in, I love my spouse, and I NEED to know he loves me, respects me, wants me, and hears me.  Yes, I have put a lot in his corner.  When he steps up and recognizes the chaos the un-addressed adhd traits have caused, then we can move forward.   



*******I have recently seen a lady looking back at me from the mirror - and I said, "Hello friend. Long time no see!""*******