Forum topic: Taking Adderall and Welbutrin with ADHD

This is the first time I have been on this sight. I am amazed at how many of these issues sound like our life. It is so good to know that there is hope. My wife was diagnosed with ADHD a couple of years ago. I knew there was something wrong but it is obvious from what I have read here today that I have went about this all wrong when approaching her. My question is what effect does taking adderall combined with welbutrin have on my wife's personality? My wife has always been super defensive about anything I say. I have noticed that while she is on the Welbutrin she is so much more agitated and defensive to the point that is is almost like a war zone and we just fire shots at each other. I have read information on welbutrin and one of the side effects is an increased agitation. My wife got off of the Welbutrin for a month and she told me she agreed with me that she is so much more agitated with it. Then she decided to go back on it because she says it makes her feel happier. She has told me that the Welbutrin gives her energy. Does anyone know if this can increase defensiveness part of ADHD. How do I approach this and other subjects without her feeling I am attacking her? 

Thank you


Wellbutrin made my DH the exact same way...angry and hostile. With so many other options, why 'settle' for one that she has admitted herself makes her this way?