Forum topic: Sunk Cost Fallacy


I was reading a post today that reminded me of the above phrase. The definition of sunk cost fallacy :

the phenomenon whereby a person is reluctant to abandon a strategy or course of action because they have invested heavily in it, even when it is clear that abandonment would be more beneficial.



Also applies to home improvement projects that don't go anywhere after the first bump in the road.  There is never a plan B and no amount of convincing to try another way is accepted. 

I think this phenomenon of sunk cost fallacy is what Dr Phil is referring to when he says the only thing worse than staying in a bad relationship for 10 years is staying in a bad relationship for 10 years and one day. 

AdeleS6845's picture

This applied to me in my first marriage. I was thinking at the time that I did not want to be seen as a failure, if I stayed with him I would be the only one out of my immediate family who wasn't divorced, I did not want to have my children come from a " broken home ", etc . It was clear that divorce for me was the better option, rather than staying with someone who was abusive and controlling.