Forum topic: Seminar vs Melissa's books


Hi - my husband and I are reading through Melissa's book about the ADHD Effects on Marriage (loving it - such a relief to have these issues finally explained) and I'm just wondering - how different are the seminars from the book? Do the seminars provide more/different information or are they based on the books but expanded with more anecdotes, etc? More detailed info on the seminars would be appreciated. I checked out the info on this site about the seminars but maybe I missed something?



Hi - the seminar goes into detail about the most important issues that many couples with ADHD face in more detail than in the book.  in addition, the live seminar gives participants multiple opportunities to ask questions about their specific situation, as well as hear the issues that others face (often very useful and similar to your own issues.)

There is an emphasis on information that will help the two of you work on your issues together, and delve into issues in a way that can help move your relationship forward - so it's practical, not just information.  There is optional homework for those couples who wish to try putting ideas into action.

This upcoming seminar is very likely the last live seminar that I will be giving - so if you are considering taking it, I urge you to sign up.  Please let me know if you have more questions.

Hi Melissa,

Will the recorded version of the course be available indefinitely? I would like to try and do this in a few months  (if there is still a marriage left then) when our bankruptcy is finished.


The course will be available for a long time to come in its recorded version, so you can wait until it is convenient for you to take it.  Good luck with the bankruptcy (if that's the appropriate thing to say...)  Very hard.

Thanks, Melissa. That is helpful. Is the live seminar available via skype or do we have to call in long-distance? Is there a toll-free number available? Thanks.

Some people can connect via Skype, but it is not always consistent.  If you want to participate in the live seminar but can't call in for technical or financial reasons, then I often suggest that you register, but do the seminar the following night (with the recording of the previous night's call.)  This has several advantages over the recorded seminar:  If you do it this way you can still: submit your questions about the course and your relationship (via email and surveys I link to); and the scheduling keeps you "on track."  In addition, you will hear the questions of other participants (also recorded) which people generally find very reassuring and interesting.